Comments by "Otay Buckwheat" (@OtayBuckwheat) on "Federal government has agreed to withdraw feds from Portland" video.
Rainbow, I am aware of that of which you speak, but what does your unrelated comment have to do with Trump being jealous of anyone that is "liked" or anyone that gets more attention than him, including Pence?
For trolls on the internet that ignore context I would say, reread things and try to comprehend the topic of discussion and reply with a comment or remark that's on topic.
Regarding Fauci, of course one of the world's top doctors in the field of infectious diseases is going to work with the world health organization and others, and I wouldn't trust scientists that don't work together. I'm educated and reasonable and I do my research and due diligence in that regard, and I don't wear a tin foil hat or believe doctors are working with alien blood like the quack Trump retweeted, so we have different opinions, and I fell mine is more sane.
That said, it doesn't negate the fact that it's not normal for a man of Trump's age, in his position, to act so juvenile and it's troubling at best.
Believe what you will because it's impossible to change some people's minds when they've chunked common sense out of the window and they ignore real facts but not conspiracy theory nonsense, and I know because I have a sister in law that isn't well educated and she believes anything she sees on Facebook.
The world is made up of different people with different views, as is America.
If there's a silent majority you won't like who it turns out to be. Conservative Republicans and real Christians are jumping ship because it's not the party they joined years ago.