Comments by "Robert Smith" (@journeyon1983) on "Our democracy has been hijacked by the billionaires?" video.
William Claypoole And Republicans and Libertarians are nothing more than Marxists, oligarchs and oligopolists, if you've been following Thom Hartmann's videos.. Next, you don't know me at all to say that I'm angry or that I have fear. Do not pretend to know who I am. The progressives in this country want the country to move forward to benefit all. Clearly, non-democrats are not. They fully support the rich and corporations. If you can't see that then, you need to get your head out of your ass.
That new wave your talking about is nutsville land and only from the southern states does this craziness exist, throw in Wisconsin too. Yes I agree with you on both parties but I think the tyranny comes more from the right wing fanatics, not the progressives.
I know what the constitution says and if you think the Libertarians are going to adhere to it any more that the Republicans or Democrats, you are sorrily mistaken sir. The only way a Libertarian president will ever fulfill his or her agenda is that you'd have to have a Senate and Congress filled with their ilk and we all know that won't happen. Just like the Republicans, the Libertarians too have gone into a metamorphosis. You no longer see the Ralph Nader types any more.
So I submit to you, don't be brainwashed by your own Libertarian Party. To me, they're not much different from the nutty Republican Party. Be sure to check your mirror for that illusion that you're living in. Sometimes one doesn't know if he, too, is brainwashed. What I am not is delusional but I believe that you could be from the sounds of what you have written.. That's my take on you, even though I don't know you nor would I want to.
William Claypoole Is it? I don't think so and for you to believe that the Libertarian Party is here for the rescue of all the ill's of this country, think again bud. Tomorrow I will vote and it will be the Democratic ticket all the way baby. It's the only party that wants good to come to all like the minimum wage, health care, sick days from work, paid vacations, etc. I have always believed in their cause so, no, I'm not sucked in. I look, I observe, I take notes, I make decisions. That's not a hard concept to grasp but for at least 2/3's of the people in this country, I have my doubts. As much as you believe in the Constitution, look at how many Amendments there are to it. The constitution is an outline or a concept but times change, technology changes, everything changes and we need to constantly revise or update what no longer works in the constitution. It makes sense.
Look, I cannot change your undaunting love for the Libertarian Party and neither can you change how I feel about the party I support. It is what it is... End of story.