Comments by "TheSuperappelflap" (@TheSuperappelflap) on "Men Won't Get Married And Women Won't Have Children: America's Baby Bust Laid Bare" video.

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  9. if you go to nice rich suburbs you will see strollers. in the cities you will see a lot of kids from poor families. but that doesnt change the statistic that half of breeding age women are not having kids, and the ones that do have 1 or 2 kids on average. which is not near enough for replacement rate. thats why the average birth rate per adult women is 0,8 instead of the 2,1-2,2 you need to sustain a population. also, the women that arent having kids arent walking around outside during the day, theyre working to pay the rent for their apartments. half of people under 30 are single in most western countries. in my personal social circle, im 30 years old, 0 of my friends are married and 0 have children. i know 1 couple personally thats going to get married next year. i have one female acquaintance (ex collegue) who has children. unmarried, they do have a house together with 3 kids. i also know one guy that is a friend of a friend who got himself a wife from a little village in india, they will marry next year as well. but out of my entire social circle thats it, i know 3 people that have kids OR are getting married. 0 with marriage and kids. if i look at my current and ex-collegues, the ones my age are usually single, or dating but not living together. the ones 35-40 have 2 kids and a divorce. and these are goodlooking college educated intelligent hardworking men that work out and make truckloads of money. they still get divorced. in my family, my dad, and all my uncles, except for 2, are divorced. almost all older men i know outside of my family are divorced, except for one who is from turkey and got his wife from there. and even he told me not to get married lmao. what you see outside is just halo effect, you only notice the people that are having kids and the single people are just as invisible to you as the average man is to 90% of women.
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  11.  @ThatsSpectacular  i am aware of these issues you mentioned, i have lived through them as a child. except the part for being taken away for not having single use diapers, thats ridiculous. my mother was career focused, she divorced my dad after cheating with the manager at work, tried to keep me away from him. i got really lucky my dad is a great guy and he didnt give up on me no matter how hard she tried, so i had that male role model in my life. my brother was taken out of the home eventually because he did become aggressive, at his own request actually. my parents didnt want him to leave but he basically volunteered to live in a group home for a couple years. as for societal pressure, all i can think of is what my parents and grandparents always told me: "if everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you jump after them?" critical and independent thinking is a basic life skill you need to survive, as a child and as an adult. if you dont voluntarily pick up this habit, either life will force you to, or you will fail at life and die young or unfulfilled. societal pressure is not an excuse for your own failure at life. by societies standards, with my childhood, i should be dead, in prison, homeless or unemployed and living in my moms basement. but i chose to make something of my life instead. i have a good career making more than 1.5x median wage, which in my country is enough to afford a stay at home wife and a bunch of kids. the problem is finding a woman who wants that, but i may have even succeeded at that because i met a really cute traditional Filippo girl a few weeks ago and we are now dating. if you really want to, you can be the exception to the rule. and screw societies expectations anyway. if they knew what they were doing, we wouldnt be in this mess in the first place.
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