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The Young Turks
Comments by "sharper68" (@sharper68) on "The Young Turks" channel.
Where are the trolls? How do these halfwits defend trumps corrupt administration.
Voting for a block of wood would be better than putting in whatever nut job bald faced shill the gop chooses up as their leader.
Firing squads are honest in the same way beating to death a captive person is.
She is not a person who should be talking about anyone that is disliked. she is a deeply unpopular monster.
Salt and pepper, meat? Why would poor people be forced to forgo food? The monsters defending this policy are bad people.
Danny Bennet Get your head out of your ass, the democratic party used to be the party of conservatives before the civil rights act and the republicans adopted the southern strategy stealing the deeply Conservative bigoted voters across the south. The narrative that the modern democrats are the racists marks dishonest or stupid.
Kind of like with no proof the pro Russian rebels make the same claim and because you are their shill you nod along. Forget the fact it is in their region, forget that they have the weapons, forget that they can use them. Your spin is as weak as I have come to expect from the Russian propaganda sources.
We do have a two tier justice system, this is why trump is not already in jail.
***** If you believe health care for the poor is a right then it is. There is no twisting of language here and the only one who is misrepresenting anything is you.
He was fired, this is a follow up to a story they did last week. What is confusing for you?
I agree, I am consistently shocked they say this stuff in a public forum.
Not so ok to be a bigot.
Hmmmm, very insightful. Troll better.
Katherine Saying "it is a choice" is a tactic of those who do not support gay rights because they are "choosing" to be gay so they do not deserve to be treated fairly. We all know you are strait or gay and do not choose either, those who demand it is a choice are projecting because it was for them as they could have gone either way.
You lie as you pretend you were ever in favor of it. Nothing has changed except it is starting to work. Nothing you clowns say is going to stop us and we do not need shills to do it.
Sums it up!
Cenk we do not agree. 3M produces these masks using a special material they get from Canada. The idea they should not be able to ship to them undermines the companies ability to make these respirators or the protective clothing long term. This is a bad idea which will cost us. 3M is right about their obligations to our partners and you are not.
Not at the rate they are melting now .. the melt has greatly accelerated.
It is a forgone conclusion that this is going to happen. The fact is people are sick of corruption and do not trust our leaders. The Koch's have an uphill battle on this one.
Rfk is strange too, no one should be shocked rogan likes him.
For the first time in his life he has a job where he answers to something but his ego.
That is why it is called pro choice, you make it between you and your partner. You can be anti abortion and pro choice, there is no conflict.
Fox has been attacking America for decades.
Not being well attached to reality hurts them.
Can't be arrested for arrested walking down the road, those cops were out of line.
You are only disappointed if you are not paying attention or are a troll who never wanted them to succeed anyway. Your spin is weak.
Wow another clown who does not know what communist is, let's point and laugh.
Scalpking47 numerous species have gay sexy and relationships in them. Homosexuality exists in nature so it is by definition natural. Your ignorance of the facts is a poor argument.
We are not seeking utopia but a state where it is illegal to buy and sell our elected leaders. We seek a state where they work for their voters and not the highest bidder. This does not solve all our problems and is not a quick fix to anything. What it is is a blow for democracy and it is our countries only chance to get it back.
Pretending the poorest senator who inherited a family home and bought a cottage is bad or out of touch is either ignorant or dishonest. If you have issues with his "3 houses" you loath every other senator right? This is the definition of empty weakness.
lol, come back and talk to me about the aliens they find.
RancidWraith No, you are painfully weak.
Wow, I am betting "Betty from Spokane" is a life long GOP voter and very likely a believer in witchcraft or that Elvis is alive.
Driving a car on the ice is not generally as mental as you imagine it is, doing it now is a little early as the river just froze. In Canada it is pretty common to see vehicles on the ice in the winter.
Morons like you are a big part of the problem.
And if they got in they would be corrupted too. We have to get money out of the electoral process or who you vote for won't matter.
snakeman830 When was the last mass shooting in Australia again?
when you elect fact free religious psyco's this what you get.
+bijitaq SO they become a new chili? That is your vision?
Trump should be off to jail then right?
People like the Koch brothers treat life like it is a big monopoly game and they seek to "win" by playing the hardest most take no prisoners game they can in a bid to collect as much as they can. They play it in the most ruthless and sociopathic way imaginable and their strategy is doing very well for them. What guys like this fail to realize is that like every monopoly game ever played no matter who wins and who loses in the end everything goes back into the box.
Um .. he was doing what the cop said. This has nothing to do with now following cops orders and everything to do with a trigger happy moron who shot because he was hyped up.
The fact the GOP is wholly owned and work for their donors who do not give a shit about anyone being covered. Those billionaires "need" their extra millions in tax cuts and do not care who has to die to do it
The only ones that matter are in bed with us or have their own dog in that fight ... no one is left to apply meaningful sanctions.
Short answer yes. The fact is Clint is TFG and has been seen talking to empty chairs on behalf of a wholly corrupt GOP in the past.
The idea is cool, we need to address the fact our leaders are currently for sale before there will be any real traction for a movement like this.
On the upside they will have a free bed soon for someone else that does not pick and choose their own medication.
To be fair you are using alternative facts.
Pieshka Coltic So why are you pretending someone investing in their company is a bad thing? Are you against investment in corporations, what do you imagine this information you share means?
I dislike trump with a passion, but credit where credit is do.