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Comments by "sharper68" (@sharper68) on "TYT Correction: Keffals Is a Fraud" video.
That is literally what they are owning here, most places do not even bother to retract mistakes. The first step to being better is to see a problem
Yet here you are again, wasting your and everyone elses time.
Rittenhouse is a murderer, nothing has changed and the little freak is as terrible as he ever was. Oh and he killed people, your comparison of these two issues is idiotic.
@qiff6667 The guy has 90 indictments on him, he is a freakishly criminal man baby. If you still like him, it is you who is deranged.
No the grifting is the key here .. she made money on a story she can't keep strait.
She just retracted a mistake ..
@qiff6667 It is both when you do so to validate your own stunted feels. Your twisted take is an idoliogicially slanted verson of true most don't share.
@mikerphone. They are treating him with kid gloves, no one sane calls trump marginalized.
@mikerphone. Every time I hear the term "victim complex" he springs to mind.
@mariechampagne932 I don't know what you are talking about 932, get you tongue out of Dons anus.
@qiff6667 She lied about the story, in the process of trying to get donations. This undermines my desire to support her, many feel the same way.
@mariechampagne932 Says the sock puppet hate posting ... you can't make this ship up. You have nothing to laugh at sparky.
@qiff6667 The only thing deranged is the fact you still worship that criminal, man baby.
@qiff6667 it not deranged to oppose a criminal who openly hates our democracy and would end it given half a chance.
Key is to own the mistakes you do make.
You are probably a sack of ship like her ..
@AngryShooter Then she needs to be up front and avoid lying when taking peoples money. Everyone needs cash, if you are asking for mine I expect you to be on the up and up and be honest with me. This is not too much to ask. She was in a bad place, but that does not excuse her poor communication choices.
@sleeper_hit Ok, but covering your butt legally seems a valid move. Hard to get too angry about that from my perspective, the story is too irrelevant to be annoyed at.
@jeffprentice629 If you say so, seems a bizarre, nothing thing to be delighted about. They corrected an error they made, you look stupid for being so happy about tiny failure they corrected.
Yet here you are again, what loser comes back and watches something they hate and think is garbage? Get a life freak show!
@sleeper_hit Maybe, I do not see them getting things any more wrong than any other media. Most reports get stories from a single source and often make the same mistakes. If they were getting things wrong that I cared about I might be more concerned, as it stands it seems you are far more freaked out about it than I am.
@thinkharder9332 Only an idiot thinks a plastic bag of clothing is lethal. He was a half wit child that literally created the situation which scared him enough shoot several people. It is all on him and anyone apologizing for him is a partisan mess.
@thinkharder9332 That he was not convicted does not change the fact he qualifies. That he got away with it on a legal technicality changes nothing about what he is or has done.
@thinkharder9332 I dislike the dishonest, especially if they ask for money based on the story. Seething? Am not you chum.
@thinkharder9332 It is semantics, self defense is a legal loop hole that lets you off and does not change anything about nature of his actions, it just makes them justified or unjustified. He still did what he did and pretending it was something else is silly. That OJ got off does not change what he he was. It may be an acceptable defense legally, does not change the fact it should always be a last resort. Justified or unjustified you will be called m^rderer by some because you did the act.
@thinkharder9332 That it is an old standard does not mean it changes the nature of ending a life. Justifying it does not change the nature of the act. In all other 1st world jurisdictions he would have been convicted. It is only becuase of our unique interpration of self defense, he got off. This undermines your claim of the universality of his abject innocence. Most places factor in the actions of the shooter as important too when adjudicating this issue. Juristictonslly he got a self defense verdict, in the rest if the free world he got away with a crime. Most societies frown on armed, untrained children wandering alone ar the edges of protests.
@thinkharder9332 Self defense as a defense is always conditional. The law as applied in this case plainly ignored the boys compliancy in escalating the confrontation. Almost all interprations of self defense include this as a factor, lucky for Kyle it was ignored in his case as supported by relatively recent and narrowly applied state stautes. That you got a verdict from a politically influenced court thst you like does not make his innocence universal or true by fiat. That he ended someone because he was scared does not change that his response lacked all proportionately. Or the fact his very presence as a terrified, heavily armed, trigger happy, teenager caused the whole event
@thinkharder9332 What you call cope is valid point of law in the rest of the world. Only in in our messed ammo sexual culture would proportionality in a case claiming justified violence as a defense be irrelevant. The judge instructed the jury to act is it did, he instructed them to ignore the circumstances leading to the conflict and focus on the event. No where else in the free world would Kyle have gotten off. . There is another perspective outside the fringe one you exist in. The rest of the world sees Kyle for the npc he is. They see him as a poster child of a specific political mindset and a dopy grifter. Your strange tacit respect for this hard fail is odd. We should all be able to agree that fox blinded, trigger happy children counter protesting while heavily armed is problematic. That you think it is fine speaks to a disconnect with normal thought process most people share. I see no value in what you promote. "Was he supposed to not be alarmed by a crowd calling to kill him" No he was not supposed to not be there if he could not handle his ship and keep his head strait, he had no training, no experience and was barely legally able to carry the weapon. The idea he had no personal responsibility for wandering into that crowd with a loaded weapon and a desire to shoot people before he eventually did is bizarre to the sane. He sought the crowd out, not the other way around. He is not a victim, no matter how much you love playing that card. That you think untrained teens with guns counter protesting and shooting up the place makes sense is bizarre, but it is your right. People are going to call the Kyle a criminal even if you are triggered by it. It is you who needs a big glass of cope.
@thinkharder9332 Nothing I said is a lie, I never made any assertions you could compare to video and I will talk about mace if you want. I have never defended a serial predator and never will. Misrepresenting me only makes you look dishonest. I have strong distain for anyone that shows up at protest with the intention of violence. That is the only reason to pick a gun and go to one. Pretending this child simp was there to protect property is at best dumb. His ignorance was weaponized and his incompetence cost lives. I am appealing to the laws of other nations that do not have regular shootings like this because they are nailing it on this issue and we are giant s-show. I would like to see our system to not be the worst, we should discourage teen vigilantes armed with a semi. "Proportionality really only exists as a buzzword to harass someone who defends themselves." There is no upside in a civilized society to promote lethally violent interactions with no responsibility of restraint. That specific legislators here have thrown out the concept does not change it is a key component in almost all most self defense evaluations except ours. I have no issue with actual self defense, even lethal self defense. But Kyle was was not attacked as he took a walk in the park or in his home. He actively went out and sought out the people he ended up shooting. He traveled across state lines to find a situation where he would be "forced" to use his weapon on protesters. It should not be self defense when it is clear you desired the conflict in the first place.
@thinkharder9332 the video evidince does not back you as soundly as you pretend it does. That he walked scott free from that courtroom speaks more about how broken our system is than his innocence. Thr common wealth concept of self defense factors in usless information like context and proportionality that you do not value. You are breaking with history by defending this reformed verson of self defense. Your assertions that everyone agrees on this case after seeing the evidince is plainly idoltic. That you do not understand people do not accept your conclusions is why you accuse anyone who disagrees as lying. It weak and remorly valid. Amazing how you are not moaning about how lax and linient our jistice system is in this case. There is no.crime you won't ignore if you like the criminal.
@thinkharder9332 You did kinda lie, you called me a liar over your feelings. You did not clarify what I lied about dispite misrepresenting me several times. He is the only one who fired a weapon. He escalated things to the max. He had no reason to be there and was carrying a weapon in a hostile situation with no training and no supervision. He was an out of control emotionay driven menace to all around him. A ticking bomb that cost lives. That anyone celebrates this ingrate, self important lille clown is sad statment on our media and values. We have been twisted beyond all reason by corrupted lobbiests selling chaos. Even if you do not think you've lied, you have not engaged honestly with my points. You pretend to value tradition but celebrate a radical version of self defense unique to our lobbiest owed system.
@qiff6667 No point in being goof about it, costs you nothing call a person what they want to be called. Life is too short to waste on that kind of empty spitefulness. Specially on odd balls that do not touch your life and you will never meet. There are lots of good targets out there, take your time to punch up. Not down.