Comments by "sharper68" (@sharper68) on "TYT Correction: Keffals Is a Fraud" video.

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  29.  @thinkharder9332  What you call cope is valid point of law in the rest of the world. Only in in our messed ammo sexual culture would proportionality in a case claiming justified violence as a defense be irrelevant. The judge instructed the jury to act is it did, he instructed them to ignore the circumstances leading to the conflict and focus on the event. No where else in the free world would Kyle have gotten off. . There is another perspective outside the fringe one you exist in. The rest of the world sees Kyle for the npc he is. They see him as a poster child of a specific political mindset and a dopy grifter. Your strange tacit respect for this hard fail is odd. We should all be able to agree that fox blinded, trigger happy children counter protesting while heavily armed is problematic. That you think it is fine speaks to a disconnect with normal thought process most people share. I see no value in what you promote. "Was he supposed to not be alarmed by a crowd calling to kill him" No he was not supposed to not be there if he could not handle his ship and keep his head strait, he had no training, no experience and was barely legally able to carry the weapon. The idea he had no personal responsibility for wandering into that crowd with a loaded weapon and a desire to shoot people before he eventually did is bizarre to the sane. He sought the crowd out, not the other way around. He is not a victim, no matter how much you love playing that card. That you think untrained teens with guns counter protesting and shooting up the place makes sense is bizarre, but it is your right. People are going to call the Kyle a criminal even if you are triggered by it. It is you who needs a big glass of cope.
  30.  @thinkharder9332  Nothing I said is a lie, I never made any assertions you could compare to video and I will talk about mace if you want. I have never defended a serial predator and never will. Misrepresenting me only makes you look dishonest. I have strong distain for anyone that shows up at protest with the intention of violence. That is the only reason to pick a gun and go to one. Pretending this child simp was there to protect property is at best dumb. His ignorance was weaponized and his incompetence cost lives. I am appealing to the laws of other nations that do not have regular shootings like this because they are nailing it on this issue and we are giant s-show. I would like to see our system to not be the worst, we should discourage teen vigilantes armed with a semi. "Proportionality really only exists as a buzzword to harass someone who defends themselves." There is no upside in a civilized society to promote lethally violent interactions with no responsibility of restraint. That specific legislators here have thrown out the concept does not change it is a key component in almost all most self defense evaluations except ours. I have no issue with actual self defense, even lethal self defense. But Kyle was was not attacked as he took a walk in the park or in his home. He actively went out and sought out the people he ended up shooting. He traveled across state lines to find a situation where he would be "forced" to use his weapon on protesters. It should not be self defense when it is clear you desired the conflict in the first place.
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