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Comments by "sharper68" (@sharper68) on "Wolf Blitzer Presses Trump Surrogate On Neo-Nazis" video.
James Barker He said he would break the Iran deal day one. The clown is stacking his cabinet with neo con shills. The assholes he is surrounding himself have been the loudest voices calling for war with Iran. If you think tanking the nuclear deal is not a path to war then you are clueless. The fucks he is surrounding himself with do not care about America or they would not have been at the heart of the push to attack Iraq. Hillary was bad because she listened to the same kind o clowns Donald is choosing, look at what he does not what he says. The man is a liar.
stripe64 Newsflash, the Nazi were are and always will be cons. The Nazi's of today are cons and the ones who took away others rights in the name of nationalism were too. They were socialists in the exact same way democratic peoples republic of north Korea is democratic.
Sam M He hired an alt right mouth piece as his chief of staff. The idea he can denounce these people while continuing to count on their council is ridiculous. They are holding large public rallies bolstered by the tacit support trump has given them in not denouncing their leadership. It also does not speak the fact he has their support because of the dog whistles he blows that they love. The man has courted their support and earned it, him waving his hands does not make that go away as long as he continues to be purposely vague in his denunciations.
He is standing up to him because normalizing Nazi's is bad .. welcome to earth.
Coodie Plum I never called him a Nazi, I am talking about him turning a blind eye to fuckers who do the Nazi salute at the end of the meetings. They are using terms stolen from the Nazi's to describe the press. Get your head out of your ass and if you do not think this is a problem then you are the dumbass here.
Coodie Plum Plenty of people have been murdered in hate crimes. Many more have been killed in the name of racist ideology than in the name of anyone associated with BLM. That you do not know that marks you as ignorant, your spin in defense of the KKK is pathetic and makes you look stupid. The assholes you defend have been intimidating people for hundreds of years, Ignore that at your leisure but it is the root of your failure. You really need to stop trying to pretend a movement that seeks justice for cops from killing handfuls of unarmed citizens is worse than bigots who crush freedom and murder in the name of hate and ignorance to protect their privilege.
Trumps openly states policy will see us at war with Iran. If you think he will avoid that then you have not been paying attention.
James Barker Not sure why you think that ha ha boy, you have not shown any insight.
Injustice No modern iteration of the KKK have power among the democrats. They are oppositionally unaligned with the DNC since the southern strategy was enacted by the republicans. The idea that it is 50/50 who the KKK supports is overt nonsense and the GOP have owned their vote for a long time. Even more so this election as their dog whistles were blown.
They are iterations of the same cancer and there is crossover in them.
Coodie Plum He has not formally denounced the leaders of these movements who actively and publically support him. He has a chosen an alt right demagogue and voice for these clowns as a primary advisor. That you do not think they are relevant does not change the danger of validating them the way he does. They are real and growing danger now the have been emboldened by public support and a candidate they can really get behind.
Coodie Plum I have seen many of them and the fact is they are all tepid and empty. He needs to formally renounce the leadership who has publically supported him. To do any less is a wink and a nod the movement who see him as the next great leader and will tell you so.
Coodie Plum Why is that relevant? The KKK is a nationally recognized hate organization. BLM has killed no one, the organization itself is peaceful and no one but the alt right bigots say they are not. I am the first to say their tone is terrible and they turn a lot of people off with their spin. But if you dislike the idea of cops killing unarmed citizens because of their fear then at least an element of their message should be hard to ignore. The premise of your spin is flawed. If you attribute the attacks in question to BLM then it is fair we apply the same standard to the KKK. If we were to attribute all racial hate crimes to the KKK as you are attempting to with the police murders then please know the numbers do not end in your favour.
Coodie Plum Then the numbers still do not add up. As people associated with white supremacists and the KKK have killed and continue to kill and harm others every day. You are free to go out and chant anything you want and it is not the same as killing someone. It does not make you guilty of any crime or much of the Alt right would be in jail. You are counted as a peaceful group as long as you advocate for peaceful protest and denounce violence when it occurs. That is what the leadership has done and that you want to paint the entire group based on a handful psyco's says a lot about your perspective. Fact check, they have denounced these specific chants and all violence. Trump gets shit for what he deserves and I am happy to call out BLM when they step across the line but that does not make them equal to the overt and undeniable cancer Trump courts in the Alt right.
Coodie Plum He has since changed his mind by his rhetoric and his lack of denunciation of the actual despicable leadership who openly and completely support him. Your story does not change any of what I said.
Coodie Plum Why not? It costs him nothing and if it gets a few votes it is an easy thing to say. It does not contradict the many things he said that appealed to overt racists who vocally supported his campaign.
Coodie Plum He has said lots of things in the past his campaign openly contradicted. I have no idea why he said that probably to get some votes, but it does no prove anything about him being a racist or not. There is a great deal of circumstantial evidence he is one and that he pandered to and got the openly racist vote is why he earns the valid characterisation he does. If he is not a racist then he is an opportunist who panders to racists and bigots to get their vote. Either way it amounts to a distinction without a difference in the context of how he ran his campaign. Point of note his connections to the ALT right were established early in the Primary and his love affair with them started then. I hope you know people call many of these ass hats racist because they support racist policy or chum with self declared racists. That you do not know that and blame the democrats for being called racist when you belong to party that houses the KKK is idiotic.
Coodie Plum He did not. He exposed them as corrupt and poorly focused on their constituency. The sad fact is they are pale copies of the gop who is fully owned and does not even pretend otherwise. Hillary failed because she was a GOP light establishment candidate in a cycle that most Americans wanted massive change. None of what he showed shows the DNC were using black people any more than they were using progressives or any other group. They were acting just like the GOP who sells family values while promoting policy that destroys families in the persecution of the endless drug war. The GOP does not have your back and has not since the southern strategy where they took a racist spin and captured the south from the democrats. If you think the DNC is using you and the GOP and Trump is your answer then you are in for a rude awakening.
Coodie Plum The super predator thing is cringe worthy but speaks to her desire to appeal to conservative centrist voters and seem all law and order like stealing another thing the right likes to claim as theirs. You probably do not want to play the damning by association game if you are defending Trump. The fact is the KKK leadership publicly and universally supported Trump. White nationalist publications openly and vocally supported Trump. David duke did a press conference talking about how great Donald was within sentences of anti sematic nonsense. You do not get to whine about Hillarie's record when the issues you bring up have been standard gop policy for years and are aligned with them not Hillarie's party. In every case she is a pale copy of type of cancer you support in a trump presidency. The spin that black people should be voting for the same party that the white supremacy clowns wave flags for is idiocy.