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The Young Turks
Comments by "sharper68" (@sharper68) on "Alex Jones' LOONY Solar Eclipse Conspiracy Theory" video.
You think he is smart? This says nothing about him and a great deal about you!
He is a grifter who tells half truths to morons, he gets almost NOTHING right. Get your head out of your ass!
Safe bet most of what that freak says is wrong, even if you like it.
The idea that some celebrity is a freak is not the same thing as the idea we control eclipses for satiric reasons, give your head a shake,
It is loony, fact free. That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without any.
I laugh because Alex is almost always wrong. He has made a carrier out pandering the feelings of freaks who do not care what he says is nonsense
No, they think he goof because he says stupid things to make the simple scared. He plays to your feels and takes advantage of your cognitive deficiencies. He is liar for money.
@TroyCote I have forgotten more on this topic than you will ever bother to learn. You may not be stupid, but your post most certainly is.
That is a lot of stupid in one post, nice packing it in there!
I know more about the bible than you will ever bother to learn, nothing in it validates this garbage!
Super crazy and so certain of lunacy! Bizzare.
You were right before ..
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out cultish freak!
You own schmuck as you lick the boots of freak like Alex.
@ricksidhu-xl9ef You get neither with Alex, you are feelings guy and truth in your blinkered eyes is what what sooths your dark side feels.
You have bought into nonsense, TYT fights against the corruption you allude to but blame on stupid things not attached to the problem You have bought half truths as undeniable fact and follow liar who can't stop lying. Yes, you are are dummies!
They are rare if you expect the totality to pass over your home. That does not mean pretending they are Satantic makes sense.
The truth is your vote does matter, but the choice is limited by the options they lay out and the sad truth is expecting improvements from either is a pipe dream as they BOTH primarily serve a elites you recognize. On a standard election your vote would be a matter of choosing the style of leadership you liked better with little hope for major differences in key policies that help normal working people either way. This election is a different than most as Trump has shown he does not value our system at all and is seeking to end the pretense of you having a choice even of leadership style. He would end our "democracy" given a chance while he has every single on of Joe's failures in spades.
It is pretty cool, not the world shaking even many sell it as. But then I live in a world of miracles where I see fantastic things any time I want to. Not being a bronze age goat herder I am harder to impress.
Or does not in the case of all Alex's predictions, just wait he will say something crazy again soo.
No one ever called you clever for a very good reason.
Just shhhh cultiy, most the country is vaxed. You are speaking to an idiotic, clueless fringe
False equivalency much?
You only date your hand .. you tiny adams apple turns hetro woman off.
@ricksidhu-xl9ef Alex is nether truthful or smart, he says feeling based things dopey people like.
Jones is a moron, true!
@ricksidhu-xl9ef You mean something that soothes your stunted, culty feels. Neither honesty or intelligence is your thing sparky! You out yourself with your dupey fandom
Dude no one thinks you are good judge of that. In fact, safe bet you love actual fools.
And .. how does underground super collider link in to that for you? You do know that the eclipse was not even visible from there right?
Stop watching then, NO ONE CARES! You are like a clown in a restaurant who stands up and announces to the room he is leaving.
Projection is your thing, trump worshipers are in cult. I don't like Biden but I dislike the GOP and trump so much he gets my vote. All you have to attack your opponents are lies nonsense and strawmen. Nothing you shared is correct, you parrot empty propaganda like a slow NPC.
You are a simp for freaks and morons, We question everything , we are sheep like cons! #Magaisacult
See what? You buy Alex's nonsense? Get a walking helmet, you can't afford another head injury.
Making fun of his stupid spin for halfwits.
It is not possible to manufacture an eclipse with our current tech, it is theoretically possible but we do not have hardware or any reason to do it.
@OrlanduHolySwordsman Diddy has been called a goof by many for a long time. You do not get to pretend he was a poster boy for progressives.
Get your head out of your ass!
Ya, you have had your spirituality weaponized against your common sense. The world has always been wicked by your standard. Don't look to goofs like Alex for guidance.
Laugh later too, he is a fact free loon!
They don't exist, this is fear porn for actual cultists.
Safe bet you would not recognize the truth if it bit your face
@TroyCote I know a lot about this topic and your take is stupid! We all know (including you) exactly who the idiot is here. No one ever called you clever for a very good reason.
Not everyone can enjoy a pin head like you.
Go ahead, try to cancel their free speech over your feelings. That is the way you snowflakes roll.
This one channel of many they control, that number is good for a political show. They have been concerned about Trump winning and correctly so. They may have melted down in 2016 but not nearly as badly as Trump has for the last 3 years, being he can't stop crying! He owns the melt down championship now. The right is toxic and spits on people al the time, denigrates them, makes them less than human over your stunted feels. You stand with hate, if Satin was real he would love your repressive spin.
You are either ignorant or dishonest as you make this stupid, old claim , It has been debunked so many times using it says far more about you than the show.