Comments by "CNN Blackmail Support" (@CNNBlackmailSupport) on "Rings Of Power Is GARBAGE" video.
On another video about this how, I brought up how silly it is for a thousand year old, magic wielding, immortal Elf noble to be less wise, less strong, and less capable than Aragorn, who was barely in his 70's. The string of bullshit defenses were a real achievement of human idiocy.
"It's called character growth! Of course she isn't as mature as she is in LOTR!"
"A 1000 year old elf is like being a 20 year old human. She is like 4000 in LOTR!"
"It isn't a competition for who is strongest or smartest. Galadriel is learning at her own pace!"
And then I felt a tug on the magical tripwire that brings the rusty steel jaws of realization slamming shut, bisecting them at the ideological waist...
"Galadriel would make a terrible protagonist if she didn't grow or change at all. Who would watch that..."
Mmmhmmm, and?
"...Why even bother focusing on characters that don't have story arcs?!"
Boom. And now you know why Tolkien never wrote a single word about elvish culture evolving or changing. Individual elves could be corrupted or tricked, but they NEVER acted outside of their nature, and they were NEVER shown in situations that displayed a change of heart. There are no stories about individual elves bringing their lessons learned into a later story. Humans and Hobbits are meant to be the focus of all Tolkien's work. Aragorn finally learns to take the responsibility he had been avoiding. Gollum learns to overcome his loneliness and shame.(until the end) Bilbo learns about courage and resourcefulness. Sam and Frodo learn leadership and sternness. The Hobbits learn to stand up to evil. The elves have to be set in their ways like Sauron so that there are two poles that the actual protagonists can wander between and align themselves with.
Galadriel is a bad protagonist because she is either the badass, powerful ruler of the elves, or she is a moron that couldn't mature over millenia.