Comments by "Neil Forbes" (@neilforbes416) on "Bushfires and Murdoch misinformation | Media Watch" video.

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  3.  @lilaclizard4504  Our media is ALSO in an awful mess as our ACMA(Australian Communications & Media Authority [Apologists]) are doing absolutely BUGGER-ALL to regulate our TV, radio and newspapers. We need a MUCH STRICTER authority to regulate our media and our media needs a wholesale shake-up. For a start, only ABC and SBS should be allowed to operate as networks(but first, SBS must lose its privilege of running ads, as SBS has ABUSED that privilege) and all the commercial TV and radio networks be ABOLISHED, leaving the stations as stand-alone broadcasters, they trade programmes across state borders, but on an open market. TCN-Sydney selling to or buying from either GTV-, ATV- or HSV-Melbourne, selling to or buying from BTQ-, TVQ- or QTQ-Brisbane, and the so-called regional "networks" should also be broken up with Bob Hawke's BRAIN-FART of regional market aggregation being dismantled. The incumbant station in each market reverting back to its own region, of the other two, one closed and the other sold to local owners and rebranded. For example, in my own region, Newcastle/Hunter, NBN-Newcastle's licence be seized from TCN-Sydney and handed back, free-gratis to Soul-Patinson (Newcastle-based chemist business) and NOT A CENT paid to TCN in compensation! The NEN(Prime) station be sold to other Newcastle-based owners and the former NRTV(now WIN) station closed down. The Syney stations would then have to sell their shows to two independent regional stations, like it should've been in the mid-1980s and early 1990s.
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