Comments by "Henbot" (@Henbot) on "Bill Maher Destroyed Again And Again By Reza Aslan" video.
His point was about not to generalise muslim countries and he would smash you in a debate, anyone being narcissistic and egotistical is yourself. You clearly utterly deluded about How amazing you are. I know a chunk about Indonesia , it ain't perfect. But it definitely is not Saudi Arabia. That was his other point, the countries are different. Saudis follow Wahhabism and they exported that into Pakistan, Wahhabism is ISIS ideology. Saudi Arabis and the Gulf states are the worst and most extremist countries in the world, yet, no one gives a shit about that except liberals and other progressives. Without the gulf states and their money, the Middle East be so much more peaceful. But his point is , that it wrong to generalise all Muslims countries and ignore colonialism , imperialism and western meddling ; other factors like economics , education etc. you are wrong to generalise all muslim countries and Reza is right utterly.