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Comments by "" (@stevehughes1510) on "Stuff" channel.
He told it how it is, and as NZers we know well these points he's raised, we've lived it over last few years and we don't need that anymore for our country and its citizens, we will move on together and not separated racially, that just doesn't work. for kiwis in our proud unified country. Good one Chris.
So proud of these kiwi girls, such a wonderful group of NZers, God bless them all and Smithy.
Thanks for the update Wayne and all that you and others are doing at this time.
@Jimijames-r4j School lunches started with the Labour Govt in '19, blame them for this unmittigated debacle we see now. Parents should be providing their children with lunches, end of argument.
Cost of living is not a good platform for him to work from, it's beyond this Govt, in essence it's a death wish. However he does need to undo all forms of social engineering that Labour have foisted on us kiwis in the last few years, from a woke Education Dept to Health etc etc. Plus nullify the aspirations and separatism as proffered by some of the Maori hierarchy, that's definitely got to go, none of us want co governance, it's absurd.
Our successive Govts are soft on gang violence and it's escalated now with 501s being sent here from Aussie and a huge increase in the use of guns. Things need to change and rapidly in this regard.
Good on you Police, good to see. Nice day down there too !!
Aussie's going to suffer the same woke BS we have here.......God help Australia is all I can say.
Why did Labour start the high cost school lunches thing, another waste of taxpayers dollars from them. Go the coalition, sorting out the mess.
Good to see this. The Labour regime in our country is under attack and direct protest from it's citizens, I've never seen more discontent in my lifetime than with this woeful Govt.
Mallard has proven himself to be an out and out liar...... I would think causing undue harm to the person he accused....... and he knowingly wasted taxpayer money in pursuit of something he knew to be false...........he is still the Speaker of the House which I find incredible given his proven malfeasance.
@Jimijames-r4j As has been said, the taxpayers should not be paying for school lunches in the first inst, that's the point, it was a Labour initiative that has opened up pandora's box as did many other of their hapless and frivilous high cost pursuits. As for those who got rapped up in the catastrophe, that's what happens with an inept Govt as was Labour '17-'23, like the ferries etc to name one other disaster of theirs.
There's stupidity in various areas of society unfortunately and it appears that there are some idiots in Palmerston North also. Keep going Orphee we're not all dipsticks, all the best.
If you actually believe what you've written and you're not being sarcastic, well there's no hope for you I'm afraid.
@Zakary50 No, you're wrong.
We don't need the delusional woke BS she and her cronies are foisting on us, absolute crap.
Labour would do that, they would introduce CGT and multiple other taxes, do you want that. Do you currently pay income tax yourself, rates etc ?
@RoniCarbine You're mistaken roni, chippy(the bloke who doesn't know what a woman is) stated it again at their conference the other week re a CGT, and that's just one other reason why they're dead in the water.
It's a juggling act for these guys and girls after the last lot of Labour numpties and their covid, ferry debacle and other blowouts, who'd want to be doing this right now, it's a hard road.
Canada, Aussie, UK, France all liberal like the previous Labour Govt here, you know that, down the drain they've gone. USA, Argentina, Italy, NZ are the first centrist/right and now Germany also, off it goes back to normality. Commie shite out the backdoor.
TimCullis19 Get your head around it, do you understand the debacle that was created around this by Labour.
@stuchatterton6550 This place is for adults stuee , not for limp wristed and overly sensitive types. See ya later sailor.
@ So none of us 'eat' and do what we used to, I know I don't. It's about priorities and always has been, what you spend the money you have on, and if you have children food and care for them is a top priority.
If you ever think that gangs ARE NOT involved in organised crime..........well you most probably believe in the tooth fairy...........
As Trump would say, this is fake news.
@stuchatterton6550 It's not a matter of trolling as you call it, it's calling out BS when you see it, and Stuff do it all the time, notorious and obvious.
@stuchatterton6550 Don't swing your handbag too hard stuee you might hurt your arm.
Well said Wayne, and God bless those who have lost loved ones, houses etc.
Cutting out what Labour has done with wasting billions of our taxpayer dollars, needless spending on damn consultants, just do that and put the money into nurses/hospitals, education/teachers, roading etc, our core needs that's all that has to happen, plus away from all the woke trans and gay inclusion and Co Governance BS , it's just so bad right now, never known this country to be so oppressed by any previous Govt ever, it's a disgrace and cannot continue. Can't wait for the elections in October.
Police doing their job. However offenders with firearms endangering the public and Police are on the increase. What further can be done to combat this lawlessness.
Made my day when I learnt today about Hayley, Josh and Raven............congrats you three, all the best for the future.
Mallard's a petulant bozo......has he paid back his $350k legal bill to the NZ taxpayer as yet, I don't think so, he's a total liability that bloke.
Most of the comments below are from folk who have suffered damage and loss because of the torrential rain. I don't see how that could have been prevented by Emergency Services, Wayne Brown or his staff.
Yeah you'd be better, run for Mayor.............. yeah right
That's correct, and he's done an about face now following some sheeple in NZ voting against NZ First last election and giving a landslide victory to Labour, what a disastrous time it's been for us all.
It's a very easy job to attack Labour. Every clear thinking kiwi is on track with that. Winston's thrown his hat in the ring so I hope he does follow through and not back them as happened in '17, that's why we're here and in this mess now.
Luxon's got it in a nutshell. Couldn't think of a better leader for our country in future, now I'm looking forward to '23.
It is a team, the coalition, we all know that.
You're talking a referendum on tax reform I guess.