Comments by "BaltimoreAndOhioRR" (@BaltimoreAndOhioRR) on "Debate Analysis And Fallout Day Two" video.

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  3.  @uingaeoc3905  " Strange that at his rallies the most common description by attendees, even chanting , that they LOVE him, - so you claim he is not likeable but LOVED. Go figure. " I figure, he's preaching to the choir at his rallies. Of COURSE the people love him at his rallies! They're HIS people, his fans! The problem is, the housewife who watches daytime TV and cooks dinner and takes care of the kids doesn't go to his rallies (obviously I'm generalizing). Nor to the young college kids that only know what their professors, or TikTok and Facebook tell them. I'm a die hard Trump supporter, since day one, but even I'm getting tired of the "It was the best...", "It was the biggest..." , exaggerated rhetoric being repeated constantly in lieu of intelligently stating facts and figures and what they mean to us average working Americans. Before the debate, it was laughingly idiotic to consider Kamala an option to be our President. I still believe so, but to many regular, non-political average people, the debate made her look like a viable option, and it also reinforced most of the negative opinions and insults about Trump. Trump needs to get it through his head, what he sees at his rallies is not the entirety of the voting block. Just because they love him, doesn't mean the rest of the voters do. His base already loves him and will vote for him. He needs to do some things to make the REST of the people love him and vote for him. I'm not a fortune teller, but to me, he really failed at that in this debate.