Comments by "BaltimoreAndOhioRR" (@BaltimoreAndOhioRR) on "1995 Trump Tax Returns Leaked: My Thoughts" video.
Jordan Williams i dont think they "have" to, but if democrats are going to demand to see everything they can that may give them something to condemn trump with, they "should" demand the same things from nominees of their own party.
and barack and michelle being "highly intelligent" has nothing to do with it. nor does "being black". only racist people like you worry about someone's color.
it's more because of the fact that the obama's spent thousands to prevent anyone finding their school records. that alone makes people curious. it would be nice if the public could see if obama got special benefits for claiming to be a "foreign" student.
seeing his grades and attendance would be nice, too. it's been suspected that each of their theses were written about how bad america as a country was/is, and portrayed their disdain for our country. that would have been nice to know, before voting for such people.
as it worked out, nearly everything obama has done since being president has aided our enemies and made our country less powerful and less respected in this world.
as an aside, it would be nice to see, and interview, some of his "students" since he claimed to be a college professor.
you can be sure if bush, or trump, had "college professor" on their resume, CNN, MSNBC, and every other major news outlet would put all their resources into interviewing their students and finding information about their courses.
he didnt CHEAT anybody, you dumb ignorant moron. he wrote off deductions like every other person who had an accountant do their taxes, including Hillary, who wrote off about $3/4 million in 2005. By the way, Bill Clinton was Pres when Trump did that, so if they didnt like the tax rules, he could have changed them. The fact is, Bill Clinton, and all his rich wealthy buddies, including Hillary, liked having all those laws in the tax code, because they ALL were using them to pay less in taxes. Trump is the only one who has admitted the tax code is a scam and way too complicated, just to let special interests to get special favors. He's the only one who's running who truly wants to simply and lower taxes for EVERYONE!
str8 r1d3r i understand your concern about him & 'the button', but really, use your intelligence. he may not know how to play the political talking game very well, but he's not stupid. he obviously knows how to get along with people and get things done without murdering people or blowing things up.
there are safeguards in place concerning nuclear weapons. he's NOT gonna go in there and nuke his enemies just because they made him mad. come on - you know he's smarter than that!
and the fact that he didnt rule anything out shows that he's actually smarter than you.
just like when the republicans said, "we will never impeach obama" several years ago, it just gave obama carte blanche to do whatever he wanted.
regardless of whether you ever will or will not, you never tell your enemy your plans! you always have to leave them wondering! most people learned that back in grade school when playing games.
just like when obama announced to the world, the EXACT date we would pull all troop out of iraq - the enemy laid low and simply waited for that day. they planned, organized, recruited, and formed isis behind the scenes while they waited for the day, the whole time the rest of the world thought obama was so smart :-(
we pull out of iraq, and isis takes over the whole region and is stronger than al queada ever was! now we have suicide bombings all over the world thanks to obama & hillary's idiotic way of governing.
by trump NOT taking nukes off the table, it makes people wonder. it keeps putin honest, and makes iran think twice before trying anything. same with china and north korea.