Comments by "BaltimoreAndOhioRR" (@BaltimoreAndOhioRR) on "The "Liberals" Attacking Sean Hannity's Advertisers are Doing A Good Job" video.

  1. +GenerationXT Exactly! Styx is all gung ho about Sean losing his job ("MY influence will grow"-Styx).... but wait til those same people come after HIM! Styx is certainly smart and knowledgeable, but his Millennial indoctrination is showing through with videos like this. Styx often has great things to say, but his bias for his little YouTube channel and against ANY big league news reporters / commentators / personalities really hurts our cause. We're all in this together. This country can become more progressive/sjw/socialist/highly taxed/welfare/no responsibility/muslim & mexican over-run.....or it can become more conservative/lawful/less govt control/free/lower taxes/independent, etc... Hoping the wackos succeed in bringing down people who are fighting for our side is asinine. Regardless of what many here think, this country is still balanced on a very thin line. The socialist wackos still control LOTS of important institutions - courts -schools - hollywood - media - sports - and a few less conservative commentators on mainstream media just gives the liberals a little more room to promote their lies & propaganda. We need every voice we can get. One moderately serious goof or blunder from Trump could swing the mid terms or the next Presidential election right back to the likes of Hillary & Obama! Why would you want to keep risking that by silencing one of the most vocal people we have on our side? While at the same time, giving those Alinsky disciples more power to go after the NEXT target! I would venture to say that Sean Hannity "convinced" more people to vote for Trump than Styx did. Styx is getting too full of himself if he seriously wishes those wackos to succeed in bringing Sean/Fox down. Styx, please think of the big picture and reconsider your stance on this!
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  3. Oh, so are YOU gonna interview members of congress? Are YOU gonna go to a crime scene or bombing aftermath to show your viewers the real story? Are YOU gonna send your people overseas to cover events there? You dont even take the time to edit your vids to give us some context of what your talking about! Are YOU gonna modify your language so that YOUR "news" can be broadcast to the general public in an institutional setting, such as doctor's offices, airports, hospitals, and other various waiting rooms all over this country? After your leftist wacko friends shut down "corporate media" (which they will never do), who do you think they will go after then? For your information, YouTube is "corporate media". YouTube made you what you are today (not quite as famous as you think, I suspect). Do you wish YouTube to fail? How many of your viewers do you think will follow you over to some off-brand, small-time platform? Maybe 1/4? Better yet, how many NEW viewers do you think you would reach outside of YouTube? Your blind hatred for ALL corporations and anything "big" is really distorting your judgement. You should be thankful we have a single network that is directed more toward the right/libertarian side rather than the far left/socialist/communist side! It's is plain stupid to wish for it's fall. There will ALWAYS be "big" media in one form or another. There may come a day where you, Stefan, Sargon, Doctor, Alex, and the rest of the Alt-Right/Libertarian must integrate to form your own channel, network, conglomerate, to pool your resources, defend yourselves, simply to survive the attacks.........and then YOU become the "big media' you so hate!
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