Comments by "BaltimoreAndOhioRR" (@BaltimoreAndOhioRR) on ""The Good Censor": Internal Google Memo Shows Silicon Valley Wants to Abandon Free Speech Totally" video.

  1. 7
  2. I used to be against any govt involvement, especially breaking apart companies due to anti-monopolistic reasons. I was of the mindset that Bill Gates deserves to run his company any way he chooses - he was the one who envisioned it and built it up from the ground - its OUR fault that we became so dependent on HIS company. Who are WE to tell him his company is too big and he needs to break it up, or at least give up his secrets to allow competing companies to use his own platform and ideas to take some of his customers away? (back when they went after MS) But I'm slowly coming around. I love some Google services. I love YouTube. But the way they have proven themselves to be ACTIVELY partisan, by nefarious means (not coming out and endorsing, but claiming to be non-partisan while banning/deleting conservative things at the same time blatantly promoting leftist things on YouTube, and similar on their search engine), is convincing me that something needs to be done. I'm not sure what. If it can be proven that Google has gone outside the law to prevent competitors, then yes, use the anti-monopoly statutes against them. It just might not be a good case, though - there ARE some competitors, they just arent as good or simply dont have the name recognition. I'm wondering if it might be better to go after them for discrimination. It should be quite easy for prosecutors to show bias against certain political views, or even skin color. Or maybe there's some other angle to go after them.... I dont know, I dont have the answers, I just think something needs to be done.