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C Clemen
Comments by "C Clemen" (@chadclemen) on "New video of 'QAnon Shaman' at Capitol riot angers judge" video.
Wait until someone shows the "judge" a video of the terrorist groups called Antifa and BLM!
Wait until someone shows the "judge" a video of the terrorist groups called Antifa and BLM!
@jeromemitchell4279 the officer died of a stroke the next day. The fire extinguisher attack was a complete hoax for the low IQ sheep. That fake news report was debunked almost a week ago. Wake up dummy!
@athleticguy15 his own family says it was a stroke. I would think they would know?
@joshsims2016 antifa riots every single night in Portland. You must live in a cave?
Wait until someone shows the "judge" a video of the terrorist groups called Antifa and BLM!
@FunBunChuck what is qanon? All of the libtards are infatuated and obsessed with qanon. What is it exactly? All of the morons in the media talk about it constantly but it's like Bigfoot, supposedly it exists but no one's ever seen it. 😂😂😂
Wait until someone shows the "judge" a video of the terrorist groups called Antifa and BLM!
@Rudofaux 👈 lowest IQ on YouTube 😂😂😂😂
@camodude4316 the only thing the Feds are capable of producing these days are false flags.
@Rudofaux thank you for proving my point! (the fact that you CAN"T read) Lol Lol Lol Lol
Wait until someone shows the "judge" a video of the terrorist groups called Antifa and BLM!
@Pugetwitch not true, I just don't tolerate looting, burning and other criminal activity by low IQ people wearing Ninja Halloween costumes. That is all.
@rankat1841 you ruined it by running out of brain cells.
@rankat1841 my power was off for 6 hours, and I was just happy to have the day off work. Utility bills run about $48 per month 👍 please tell all the idiots you know that Texas sucks so they quit moving here to the tune of 1000 people per day. Thanks!
@Rudofaux so they have websites, chapters, offices, meetings, training sessions, uniforms, logos, flags, and battle equipment but they are just an "idea"? Lol Lol Lol Lol You are a special kind of stupid! Keep drinking the Koolaide with the rest of the low IQ sheep!
@Rudofaux <<<<<<<<<<< failed 3rd grade English
@rankat1841 not really worried about it to be honest. I used to live in a 3rd world shit-hole called California and we had rolling blackouts 365 days a year so this is nothing. Being without power for 6 hours isn't really a big deal to me. Plus, as a bonus my utility bill is 80% less and no one shits on my sidewalk here! Lol Lol Lol
@Rudofaux please seek professional psychiatric help immediately before you hurt yourself or others. Good luck gurl!
@rankat1841 here in Texas we use Antifa for target practice. Static targets get boring after awhile so it's fun to have something different... Lol
@lynnjacobs2091 antifa and burn loot murder have inserections in Portland every single night of the year. Don't you have an internet connection in your trailer park?
@lynnjacobs2091 does that also apply to the Insurrection that is occurring in Portland on our federal buildings on a daily basis? They should all be imprisoned as well correct?
@sickcommode-odragon4193 just 1, killed by capital police.
@rankat1841 the people of Portland get what they voted for. There's a reason why antifa doesn't operate down here in Texas. They wouldn't last 10 minutes 😂😂😂
Wait until someone shows the "judge" a video of the terrorist groups called Antifa and BLM!
@DrFunk-rk6yl how do you know if he's qanon? What is qanon? Where can I see one of these things? It's like Bigfoot, all the libtards keep talking about it but no one has ever seen one. It's like some weird obsession or mental disorder that all of the libtards have right now.
@DrFunk-rk6yl because the judge seems a bit deranged to me?
@RHINOSAUR you seem a bit triggered by the facts? Now that dumpster fire Joe is well on his way to completely destroying America you won't have to worry about it much longer.
@RHINOSAUR burning down buildings and killing people for political influence is domestic terrorism. Read a book dummy! Antiffa and burn loot murder are both domestic terrorist organizations. Anyone with a third grade education knows this!
@AndyKopac they have inserections every single night of the year in Portland. Nothing happens. Charges dismissed. No big deal in America nowadays!
Wait until someone shows the "judge" a video of the terrorist groups called Antifa and BLM!
@blkcatzette I heard it was a "mostly peaceful" protest. Am I doing this right?
You need better meds bro....
@dublinjazz1 he is probably doing discovery on all the PROVABLE election fraud.
@rankat1841 not only are you not that famous, you aren't that bright either....