Comments by "Al Loomis" (@alloomis1635) on "Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?" video.
the people are frozen out of the management of the nation, so talking about what your masters do is pointless. unless, of course, there is a big difference between them. but there isn't. the mechanics of the voting system makes it profitable for all politicians to agree on what the rich want, so they will subsidize 'elections.'
which is why tweedledum debates tweedledee. it's also why congress-things age and degenerate in office, the cumulative investment of the rich makes turn-over very slow.
usa is not a democracy, it's people are 'citizens' only by courtesy, it's rude nowadays to call 'commoners' common. and since they are powerless and ill-educated, they are very common indeed. it's true to say, "you get the government you deserve," but if your society shapes you to be ignorant, passive, how can you deserve better.
and that's why usa decays, infrastructure mirroring character.
this self-reinforcing loop means there is no way out, short of violent revolution, and that will only happen when wide-spread starvation sparks desperadoes to run towards the guns, careless of life.
don't worry about china, worry about yourselves.