Comments by "Steve Valley" (@stevevalley7835) on "The Drydock - Episode 112" video.
wrt the carrier only USN in the 30s, the first problem is that Wasp consumed the last of the US' treaty allotment for carriers. Once the treaty system collapsed, Congress authorized two new carriers in 38. Of those two, one was built to the existing Yorktown design, which was, by then somewhat outdated, while the second carrier, Essex, was delayed while the new design was drawn up. The North Carolinas could be laid down when they were, because of the expiration of the treaty battleship construction moratorium at the end of 36. There was no treaty mechanism that would allow more carriers to be laid down at that time. So, even if the US had not been laying down BBs in the late 30s, they would not have started the war with more carriers, due to the Navy's preference in 38 to wait for a new, more capable, design, rather than building obsolescent Yorktowns to infinity. The Navy ordered 11 Essexes in 1940, one year after Hornet was ordered, but the war was upon them before they were completed.
wrt the Mers-el-Kebir full battle scenario: the Bretagnes were only armed with 13.4" guns. As well as being even slower than an R class, they would be hard pressed to penetrate to the vitals of a QE or R class, while the British 15/42s would have no problem cutting through their 10" belts. Given the RN's numerical superiority in light units, plus it's heavier guns, plus speed advantage, it sounds like a slaughter if the entire French squadron stood out to engage. Were I the French commander, out of respect for French human life, I think I would have the Bretanges stay in port and provide covering fire, while the Dunkerques and DDs run at high speed. Leaving Valiant and Resolution in their wake would even the odds, if the RN wanted to make a running fight of it, while the crews of the Bretagnes could swim to shore.
@CTXSLPR who couldn't have gone full CV? The Japanese gave notice in late 34 that they would not participate in the treaty after the end of 36, so they could build all they wanted. Ark Royal used the last of the RN's carrier tonnage, except there was a clause in the treaty that carriers in service or building at the time of the treaty were "experimental" and not held to the treaty's 20 year replacement cycle. Hermes, Eagle and Argus all fit that criteria, so the RN could have refitted all three as sub tenders, for instance, and freed up enough tonnage for two more Ark Royals. If they measured the age of the Courageous class carriers from when they commissioned as "large light cruisers", rather than as carriers, they were all 20 years old by 37, so they could all have been replace by new build carriers as well. The Brits laid down four 23,000 ton Illustrious class carriers in 37, so they probably had one of these replacement scenarios in mind at the time. Only the USN had all it's tonnage quota tied up in relatively new carriers and was still trying to abide by the treaty, until 38.