Comments by "Lone Wolf" (@lonewolf7992) on "Rebel alliance in Myanmar has reportedly overrun more than 150 military positions" video.

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  3. Funds from ned: Advancing Market-Oriented Policy Reform at the Local Level in Burma Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) $277,009 To develop broader private sector dialogue and consensus on economic reform as a potential area for collective advocacy, to build the capacity of parliamentarians and local private sector representatives to enact market-oriented economic policies through public-private dialogues, and to strengthen the capacity of the local partner to advocate for market-oriented reforms. The Center will work with its local partner to address structural economic challenges at the subnational level. Assistance for Political Prisoners and Human Rights Advocacy Human Rights $175,000 To support the release, rehabilitation, and re-integration of political prisoners and advocate for prison reform in Burma. The project activities will include research and documentation; assistance to political prisoners, former political prisoners, and their families; and domestic and international campaigns about the situation these groups face. Building Trust between Burman and Ethnic Activists Human Rights $50,000 To build trust and working relations between Burman and ethnic activists throughout the country. The activities will include networking trips for Burman activists to Burman and ethnic areas to maintain and coordinate a nationwide network of activists committed to the values of tolerance and diversity, a respect for basic rights, and building a genuine federal union of Burma. Burmese-Language Current Affairs Journal and Political Activism Resource Center Democratic Ideas and Values Supplement: $29,000 To present commentary and editorials, which might otherwise not be covered in the mainstream Burmese media, and to maintain a resource center that provides a cooperative space where a diverse network of democratically minded activists can gather to discuss the pressing issues of the day. Activities will include the publication of a monthly public affairs journal, a series of public forums on the peace process, a community-level needs assessment, and the maintenance of a political resource center to advance democratic learning, dialogue, and practice. Burmese-Language Satellite Television Broadcasts Freedom of Information $250,000 To provide independent news and information and to encourage and sustain independent public opinion in Burma. The organization will produce and broadcast daily satellite TV news and maintain its website and social media pages, including information and independent analysis on Burma’s political situation, human rights and media freedom, and business issues. Burmese-Language Satellite Television Broadcasts Freedom of Information Supplement: $200,000 To provide independent news and information and to encourage and sustain independent public opinion in Burma. The organization will produce and broadcast daily satellite TV news and maintain its website and social media pages, including information and independent analysis on Burma’s political situation, human rights and media freedom, and business issues. Chin State News and Information Service Freedom of Information $25,000 To increase awareness among Chin people about current news and events and to expose them to basic principles of politics, democracy, and ethnic rights. The project activities will include the production of news reports and the maintenance of various multimedia news platforms that feature independent coverage and analysis of political news and ethnic issues that affect Chin communities. Civil Society Development in Burma Human Rights $235,000 To enhance the capacity of civil society organizations in an effort to prevent political backsliding in Burma. The project activities include working with networks of legal activists, farmer rights activists, and civil society actors to establish a viable and politically engaged civil society that performs the dual role of assisting the local government to bolster the democratic transition while continuing its role as a watchdog on the government. Development and Resource Extraction Policies in Kachin State Human Rights $60,000 To promote and advocate for a fair and equitable natural resource extraction and development policy for the people of Kachin State. The activities will include a series of workshops, discussions, and a forum on natural resource management and development policy with civil society and community leaders in resource extraction-affected areas as well as members of parliament and political party members in an effort to raise awareness and provide policy recommendations. Documenting and Raising Awareness on Resource Extraction in Arakan State Human Rights $80,000 To support communities in Arakan State affected by resource extraction through consultation and coalition-building, developing policies for the establishment of institutions, laws, and advocating for mechanisms to manage oil and gas revenue with transparency and accountability. The activities will focus on strengthening an alliance of local activists to raise issues to both state and national-level policymakers and to engage key stakeholders in debating and devising policies that support revenue transparency and management systems, and incorporate international protection standards. Documenting Corruption Within the Extractive Industries Accountability and Governance $45,000 To research and promote public awareness of corruption within Burma’s extractive industries and to advocate for good governance. The project activities will include conducting research and publishing reports on various forms of corruption within the extractive industries and related investment projects, creating a platform to increase public awareness and support media campaigns, and facilitating advocacy efforts for transparent and accountable governance. Domestic Election Monitoring and Public Opinion Surveys Political Processes $325,000 To increase Burmese citizens’ civic awareness and understanding of democratic political processes. The project activities will include election monitoring and public opinion polling, forums that bring together civil society and political parties to develop a data-driven consensus on priorities for electoral reform, along with the continued development of informed policy recommendations and advocacy strategies to address identified challenges. Empowering Burmese Democracy Activists Human Rights $50,000 To strengthen citizen participation in the process of democratization and development. The project activities will include organizing and awareness-raising campaigns for workers, farmers, and members of Burma’s informal economic sector. Additional activities will include publishing a report targeting farmers and workers, building the organizational capacity of the network’s members, and supporting activists to organize human rights and democracy initiatives. Empowering Local Communities on Legal Rights Human Rights $80,200 To raise awareness of the legal rights and responsibilities of citizens and to participate in peaceful efforts to promote democracy. The activities will include voter education trainings, candidate forums, and trainings to develop strategies both to pressure the government to respond to the people’s needs as well as for citizen’s constructive engagement with the government at the local, state, and national levels. Empowering Shan State Youth through Social Justice and Leadership Education Civic Education $50,000 To build the capacity of youth from Shan State and to increase youth participation in the movement for social and political change as part of Burma’s democratic transition. The project activities will include two-month and two-week intensive residential courses, along with a series of digital security trainings for both Shan State-based civil society and political organizations.