Comments by "Shade" (@ShadeAKAhayate) on "Electronic Warfare - The Unseen Battlefield" video.

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  3. ​ @SCP-POOL  US, like any empire, is the way it is not by will of "the people" or even it's governing body. Once Soviet Union was gone, it's fate was sealed -- it couldn't become anything else, since in the world of money and power there is no "central, stable" way -- you're either getting richer and more influential or you're losing wealth and power to someone else. The real rulers of US can't relinquish their rule to some newcomers, that would mean the end (physical, most likely) to their whole clans, so their very lives depend on getting more and more. Of course, any empire has it's fate set -- the question is how long will it remain somewhat balanced (usually depending on new colonies to pillage -- on it's own it's pretty unstable). In early days of mankind it could be thousands of years, in middle ages -- hundreds, now -- who knows? Since ATM it's fascisizing pretty rapidly with corresponding traits manifesting at an increasing pace -- I'd guess on a shorter cycle, but again, we never know. The main concern here is that never before humankind could really obliterate itself. When an empire crumbles, it almost always comes with an unparalleled (before) bloodshed -- and the only weapon that's keeping peace on our planet (in a global sense, not local one) can become it's undoing, since even few detonations over large cities in one country can cause severe climate changes. So you can just sit back, relax and watch it unfold -- nothing really depends on you. Stopping a falling mountain you can, but stopping a tsunami you can't. Besides, it can take several human lifetimes to actually see it destabilize.
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