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NGATIBROFFESSOR \x26 New Zealands Hidden History
Comments by "NGATIBROFFESSOR \x26 New Zealands Hidden History" (@ngatibroffessor1840) on "1News" channel.
get rid of the dog.
Bullshit. The people of Turkey have a firm friendship with New Zealand. Turkey is also a secular state. ATATURK purposely transformed that country to the power it is today. Ive been to Turkey many times for ANZAC celebrations and the hospitality of the people of Turkey is beautiful. Turkeys president is a typical hard man politician on the campaign trail using political populist rhetoric.
GIUNS should be treated like cars. You need a GUN licence you must also registrar your guns like a CAR. We need to ensure the owner of the gun is competent in the operational and safety features of that weapon and the regulations around its use. Also not all semi automatics are banned. .22 Cal Semis rifles with 10 cap mags. Shotgun incl pump action 5 shots.
LOL I watch a lot of these Pakeha schools preform Haka where the pronunciation of Maori words is horrendous. Its gets worst as we look at the older generations of Pakeha NZders. Your comment proves my point about the attitudes of Pakeha like you towards Te Reo. " English nation and as such Maori is an insignificant language " Even in the media the pronounciation of Maori words are crap. You simply dont care how shitty Pakeha pronunce Maori words!
bull? What is bull exactly? I can tell you right now that most Pakeha New Zealanders suck at Maori pronunciations and have no problem continuing this insult to Maori by pronouncing Maori words incorrectly.
Your clearly ignorant LOL You are a Pakeha it is the name given to Europeans by Maori....a Kiwi is a bird named by Maori LOL do you have feathers? Dont sit there and tell everybody that Pakeha respectfully pronounce Maori words correctly. That is utter bullshit LOL
Is It any wonder JC praising the private sector. 9 years of these National Party Neo-cons resulted in a sell off our public assets to wealthy investors. National created this whole mess and now they are pointing the finger at Labour for not fixing a problem they had a hand in. Screw these asholes LOL
Jim Bolger was a great choice.
Talûn-karkû The Warchief - To be honest I dont care how YOU pronounce Maori words.....You made a false statement which is what I corrected you on. Most Pakeha butcher Te Reo. Also note dumb fuck almost 29% of English words come from French, another 29% come from Latin another 26% come from Germanic languages with other languages contributing the other 15%. like the word taboo was derived from the Polynesian word Tapu. Hardly superior LOL
Come on give the lady a break...she is clearly a good singer...I have to say...her pronunciation of Maori words was better than a lot of New Zealanders....
Peters did a fucking awesome job!
The mothers aim was slightly off....
Not that long ago Don Brash called for the publicly funded station’s bosses to remove that “pointless” speech from the airwaves after hearing Te Reo Māori on Radio New Zealand...I guess Donny wants to give those that shares his ideals a platform.
nz trucker ignorance is bliss. Seems pretty telling to me that such cherry picking reflects the bigotry of those who hold such opinions. It seems certain people are more than happy to define 'Maori' when they talk about prison populations, employment and other demographics, but when it comes to cultural and ethnic identity this label is denied. Hypocrisy.
dude did you delete your thread? its gone missing LOOL
Eskimo's also touch noses...are they Arab? LOL Your comparisons are just stupid especially as DNA does not support your claims of Maori being of Arab decent LOL. But hey If you have proof that isn't from known conspiracy theorist's, I'm happy to see it?
No Chris Wright...I'm what makes you angry. LOL
No thank you Sir. We have morals, ethics and values in New Zealand. Please know a human does not need a religion to be a good person. Over 40% of New Zealanders subscribe to NO religion. The NZ Muslim community may gain new adherents due to the dignified way they carried themselves through this horror story. I was impressed by their resolve and courage.
I saw how those shirts angered Trump voters. I wish they would get mad at the fact Walmart exploits its workers by paying wages so low that most workers need Federal assistance while Walmart continues to rake in profits. Big corporations exploiting the welfare system....and taxpayer dollar$$$$.
funny how Obama still sends snowflakes in to a epic meltdown LOL
Obama was given the respect he deserves as a former president. Bush and Trump would also receive the same treatment if they also came here. Its about manners and giving due respect.
LOL So? The old custom of rubbing noses is not an Arab invention but the code of indigenous peoples in many parts of the world. The Inuit, Maori and the Scandinavians also do it. It varies from rubbing to kissing, but they all require the noses to touch. I fail to see the relevance of your stupid comparison are you suggesting Maori are Arabs? LOL
Quote:"mb1968nz I find it interesting that maori actors always get the Arab looking roles never the Polynesian roles in Hollywood." Yeah that's because Maori have the right skin tone to play those roles LOL Your conclusions are simply stupid....
Tommy my Nazi conspiracy theorist. I smell your soiled undies LOL You made claims which you HAVE failed to back up after over 111 comments. LOL. If you have irrefutable evidence to back up your multiple claims show them LOL
this guy just admit you have no proof that is why the Clinton's are walking around free :)
this guy awwww I love your appeal and begging to victoria, now where is your proof that the Clinton's were involved in rape and pedophilia? Hate Clinton all you want, but have the balls to back up your claims with proof not conspiracy theories. citations appreciated :)
oh we are far from done pal :)
get your proof thanks or shut the fuck up :)
your throwing up conspiracy theory's moron. i want citations. support what your claiming with links. go ahead...some me your sources, inforwars? LOL
victoria all I see is you repeating the same bullshit coming from Fox news. do what your buddy "this guy" couldn't do and show me irrefutable evidence that Clinton was caught molesting children and rape. Don't rattle off names without context like You and this guy have been doing. Show me the actual source of your claims. At this point I'll even look at your conspiracy websites for a laugh. So lets see your citation :)
flat earth? LOL how desperate are you to divert from the only question I have been asking you LOL Are you hoping to smear my character as a flat earth believer? LOL Lets get something straight here buddy. Your the only one dealing in conspiracy theory psssst the Clinton's are involves in a sex cult LOL I prefer studies, veritable data and statistics along with online support documents with citations. post your sources. I dare you LOL.
this guy Israeli hasbara? I smell your desperation LOL So because I dont agree with your Clinton lies you now what to claim I'm a supporter of Israel? LOLOL Nah I support my countries position that the settlements in the West bank are illegal. My country doesn't kiss Israel asshole :) Personally I support a 2 state solution. Israel should never have been allowed to get away with its land thief and brutal tyranny against the Palestinian people.
this guy is so desperate for any kind of a victory he wants me to state the obvious that the earth is "round. LOL This fact does not give any of your Clinton claims any credibility. You have failed to produce any credible evidence. You have been to shy or embarrassed to post your sources and citations LOL
this guy has assumed the fetal position and is now trying to ignore my requests for his irrefutable evidence. LOL As I said you have zero evidence :) now go kick rocks LOL
owned :) runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn LOL
this guy yup that's all you got and all you can do hahahahahaha
this guy is a member of the big foot society hahhahahahahhaha :)
yup snowflake has gone into a altright jew hating meltdown. owned hehehe :)
yup cant back up your bark, as i said your a conspiracy theorist nutbag. :) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA kick rocks jew hating nazi loser :) you have been exposed :)
this guy whats wrong? got any proof to back up your Clinton pizzagate conspiracy theory's yet? NO? LOL come on just one credible article? maybe some hidden video or photo's? No? HAHAHAHAAHA TAKE YOUR PILLS BUDDY LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAHHAAHHAHA BOY YOU GOT OWNED LIKE A BITCH ON HEAT LOL.
this guy awwwwww is having a epic snowflake meltdown LOL still no sources or citations LOL OWNED HAHAHAHAHAH
get the link or your citations and post them. I dont want your hear'say.
this guy hello conspiracy theorist :)
this guy hates jews. Ive shown this anti-Semitic's cunts true alt-right agenda :)
I'm not US liberal...I'm a NZ progressive :)
Brendan I hope your not a Kiwi because you drip of ignorance. The Moriori are simply another tribe of Maori that moved to the Chatham's in 1500AD. Added to that they were displaced by 2 Taranaki tribes who were displaced themselves during the musket wars. Note over 100 tribes ruled over their land independently until 1840, It's funny how you want to blame all Maori for the sins of 2 tribes.
this guy I can smell your desperation to deflect from your Clinton claims LOL
nz trucker I agree with your comments regarding racist shit stains hiding behind computers screens. I'm glad they get triggered at the sight of a successful black man. It makes them feel like even bigger failures in life LOL