Comments by "UzuMaki NaRuto" (@UzumakiNaruto_) on "Police seek 4 arson suspects after store set on fire in Liberty Village" video.
So, how did the native Americans lose their countries? Outsiders came, they didn't assimilate, they kept coming and eventually out numbered the native population. From that perspective, diversity is a bad thing and you can apply that logic anywhere, to Japan for example.
First thing is that native people aren't native to North America, they just arrived to the North American continent first from Europe and Asia via the landbridge. So they're 'foreigners' to NA too.
Second why do native people believe they own EVERYTHING just because they arrived to NA first? NA is a huge continent and native people populated only tiny portions of it and yet they somehow feel like this means they have a right to call EVERYTHING theirs? How does that make sense?
Third if foreigners who are vastly more advanced arrive to NA why would they adapt themselves to more primitive people rather than the reverse? In general the more advanced people either conquers or converts the less advanced people. This has been going on since the beginning of human existence whether we like it or not so its no surprise that native people were relatively easily overwhelmed.
I believe in assimilation and making sure that my duty is to be a net positive to the host country. In a country where you have negative population growth due to lack of children, immigration is the only way to ensure you don't get an inverted population pyramid where 1 child has to take care of both parents and 4 grandparents. As long as people coming in respect the culture, the laws, share common value, assimilate, I'm fine with it. If they commit crimes, they should be jailed and then kicked out.
I agree with you that people who come here should integrate, but these days we don't require it anymore because its considered 'racist' to want someone to speak English and to learn and respect Canadian laws and values.
However I disagree about the need to bring more people into Canada or any other western nation for the sake of maintaining population growth. In fact if you believe climate change is real then you can't also want population growth because obviously humans are big polluters and resource users and you can't claim to fight climate change while simultaneously accept hundreds of thousands of new polluters into your country every year. This is why our current government are such hypocrites with the carbon tax on Canadians, but at the same time bringing in a million new people every year to contribute to our pollution problems.
The last thing is what's wrong with having NO population growth or even a decrease in population? Increasing population may give your economy a short term boost, but it produces many long term problems that we're seeing now that we have to deal with in Canada.
Imagine if we just let our population stay relatively stable or even decline abit? You say we need more people to take care of the elderly, well ask yourself what happens when these people eventually grow old? Well obviously you need EVEN MORE people to take care of the larger elderly population that you brought in and then you need yet another larger young population to take of the previous generation that grew old and so on.
Do you not see that you're creating an ever worse pyramid death spiral where there's no end in sight? Why not just bite the bullet and let the current large senior population pass on and NOT massively increase population so that the next generation of seniors will be smaller. This means that while in the short term Canadians might have to pay more to take care of this large senior population, in the future they will have to pay less because the senior population didn't expand and you don't have to continually increase spending money on taking care of an ever growing senior population.