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John B
Comments by "John B" (@JohnB3363) on "Official convicted of trespassing on Jan. 6 refuses to certify primary" video.
This whole hearing is based on feelings
@Mankind_- for what crime?
@jaywalters5255 did you just come here to be a racist or did you have an actual point?
It happens all the time Marion Barry used to me the mayor of DC, went to jail for cocaine and was re-elected when he got out of jail
@josiebaca7536 only problem with Trump is that can’t come up with a crime he himself committed. Hearsay evidence is inadmissible in any court
@owenkittredge3433 why should we. We’re not learning anything we already haven’t known for almost 2 years. The real hearings will begin after November when republicans are back in power. We all wanna know what Pelosi knew and when she knew it. Why is she so terrified to release the video from that day saying the public has no right to see it. BS, we have every right to see it
@jaywalters5255 Democrats don’t hold anyone accountable especially if they’re also a democrat. That’s why the country is in such bad shape.
@demetriuswilliams6706 go watch 2000 mules.
@demetriuswilliams6706 yeah of course it is but so is burning looting businesses and killing cops but we saw how many rioters in 2020 got let go with a slap on the wrist. In fact bail money Kamala helped raise went to a guy who was let out only to get arrested again 2 weeks later for murder but that was just a “summer of love” remember?
@demetriuswilliams6706 was it an insurrection of course not. It was a protest that got out of hand by some people. No different than BLM when they stormed the capitol in Oklahoma or when Antifa tried sealing the door closed at that police station in Seattle and set it on fire with police inside
@demetriuswilliams6706 since I’m obviously here to educate you here’s the definition and you tell me which part I need to educate you on. in·sur·rec·tion noun a violent uprising against an authority or government.
@demetriuswilliams6706 BLM stormed the capitol in Oklahoma and got in the faces of lawmakers and Antifa tried to cement the police station doors closed when they set it on fire with police inside. Seems pretty cut and dry don’t you think. According to the definition you told me to look up that you obviously had no idea what it meant
@demetriuswilliams6706 I don’t know, I don’t work for them. You’ll have to ask them. I know I’m here to educate you as I’ve been doing but some things are just out of my reach.
@renaissanceman1724 yeah because democrats are known for being honest and wanting to get to the actual truth right?
@demetriuswilliams6706 anything else you need educated on easily and quickly just let me know. It was my pleasure to do so. I can do this all day if you’re gonna make it this easy for me.
@tygressblade what does the Biden administration have to do with this. We all know joes failed to uphold his duties as president.
@renaissanceman1724 still waiting to see if they find a crime with all that “ undeniable truth”? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@lizpedano1542 still waiting, did they ever find a crime yet? 😂😂😂
@judybargenquast7669 better start fortifying your safe space Karen because it’s pretty obvious republicans are gonna be back in control in November. The democrat party is literally imploding right in front of our faces. Nearly 80% of democrats alone say the country is heading in the wrong direction
@renaissanceman1724 sucks when a comment doesn’t age well huh? Still waiting to see if they find a crime or if they’re gonna do like both impeachments and make up a crime
@davidmaples4390 no one is worried about the democrats. They’ve proven what an absolute disaster their party has become that’s why over the last year 1 million democrats have jumped ship and registered as republicans
@davidmaples4390 you spelled democrat wrong. It’s not the republicans who are soft on crime, are allowing open borders which is bringing in sex trafficking and enough fentanyl to kill 10s of millions. They’re also the party of hate. Here it is going on 6 years and the democrats can’t leave Trump alone. Literally no one cares when there’s so many other problems that Biden created that need to be addressed. If democrats put as much effort into fixing Bidens problems as they do Trump, maybe we wouldn’t look like a third world country
@davidmaples4390 lies? It wasn’t republicans pushing Trump Russia collusion for 2 years when most of us with at least one functioning brain cell knew it was Hillary and Trump was right. Republicans didn’t support all the violence from the left in 2020 calling it a summer of love. They didn’t help raise bail money for those thugs who were bailed out and then arrested 2 weeks later for murder the way Kamala did either
@renaissanceman1724 so when they actually come up with a crime, let me know. Republicans will get their chance after November when they’re back in power. It’s already in the world along with investigating all the violence from the left, and the Biden family corruption. What’s even better is that it will all happen without Adam Schiff and Eric Swawell who will be promptly removed from the intel committee. But hey, you keep holding on to your dream, I’m sure I’m your mind it’s a good one but I’ll wait until they actually have a crime and not something made up like both impeachments. The vast majority of the country isn’t even interested when there’s much more pressing issues Biden has gotten us into. Stay golden pony boy. We’re rooting for you, said no one ever. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@renaissanceman1724 secret service wants to go under oath to prove she was lying but for some reason democrats would rather go with inadmissible hearsay than to hear it from the horses mouth. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 it’s gonna get even worse for them when they lose in November and Pelosi hands over the gavel for the last time in her failed career 😂😂😂🖐🏼🎤
@renaissanceman1724 a lot of crime and no one can name even one solid bit of evidence. Keep those blinders on sheep
@renaissanceman1724 still here waiting for you to tell us what these crimes are that are right out there in the open. Is that like when Schiff said there’s more than circumstantial evidence Trump colluded with Russia and the evidence was right in front of our faces? It’s been how many years and we’re still waiting for him to present that evidence even though Hillary already been confirmed under oath to being the one who colluded. What an embarrassing time it is to be a democrat.
@renaissanceman1724 awful quiet, what happened? Still lookin through your fake news talking point manual to see if it says what made up crimes to tell people? 😂😂😂
@renaissanceman1724 tick tock little Lady. Still tryin to find any type of crime he committed? Thought so
You sound so uneducated. Please continue, this is hilarious
Would that also go for Amy democrats who were involved in the riots of 2020? If so, we better start looking for another VP real quick
@CatherinePearl100 wrong. Just being there doesn’t make you guilty nice try. Could you imagine if that was even a little bit true?
@thetvbaby83 for what, trespassing? That seems to be what they’re being charged with.
@jessicabarnett679 you can be convicted and spend time in jail and still hold office in some cases. Ask Marion Barry
@jorgegonzalez-larramendi5491 no, those are facts. If you’re confused just tell me on which part and I’ll be more than happy to re-educate you. I know you won’t have the stones to reply but I thought I’d give you the chance to not look like a fool
@titopuente571 my guess is that’s why he isn’t.
@josiebaca7536 good thing you’re not in charge. You like to violate constitutional rights huh? Imagine how much more triggered you’re gonna be after November when they hold the Biden crime family hearings. It’s not gonna go well for any of the Bidens including Dr Jill
@josiebaca7536 remember that when the Biden family inversion gets under way after January. They have enough on Joe right now that they could easily impeach and remove him. Democrats set the bar so low for impeachment that this one is a no brainer.
@neohernandez7789 it’s a good thing that never happened. Oh you’re talking about Biden. My bad
@josiebaca7536 got nothin to say about that do you. They have evidence Biden violated the Hyde Amendment too.
@josiebaca7536 for what crime. Democrats on the committee have already said they doubt they’ll get a criminal conviction. I guess we’ll have to wait until republicans do their own investigation and see what that turns up. Not sure if it’ll be before or after they bring Hunter in to testify.
Another one of those scary people from Jan 6 with a slap on the wrist. Oh wait, he did nothing wrong. Still waiting for someone to be charged with insurrection.
Go ask Marion Berry
@joshuabailey2486 we don’t wanna see you get all triggered over that bit of common sense anyway
@Upper-cr1kh I notice how it’s been 3 days and they’re still absolutely terrified to answer
@joshuabailey2486 even though you have no idea what you’re talking about. We can clearly see that. I think you’re the only one who doesn’t think there’s gonna be a red wave in November. Again, sorry if I’ve triggered you with common sense. The more you expose yourself to it, the easier it will be for you
@joshuabailey2486 you seem content and happy with the way Biden has destroyed America single-handedly
@AngelRodriguez-zt6nv is that why over the last year 1 million democrats jumped ship and registered as republicans?
@demetriuswilliams6706 oh there’s no question I’ve been educating you. That’s as obvious as Bidens incompetence. But say whatever you need to to not make you look dumber than you are. It’s the lefty way of doing things. I get it. Don’t feel bad, I’ve educated people a lot dumber than you are that’s for sure