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agon noga
Comments by "agon noga" (@agonnoga6100) on "Can Tamil Nadu exclude state students from NEET?" video.
India is a union of states and not a nation state. This is how India is defined by the constitution of India. Not only NEET but even other issues like insurgencies in north east, Kashmir, Punjab and central India is due to overlooking this fact and trying to run India, a subcontinent of diverse people as one artificial nation state. Only defence, foreign affairs, currency should be handled centrally and the rest need to be devolved to the states. This is how India was supposed to be governed as per the 1946 cabinet mission plan, opposition to which by few business houses profiteering under the centralised rule of the British led to congress withdrawing its consent to the plan which in turn led to the partition of India. India was partitioned not because of religion but opposition to a plan which empowered the states.
@scienceisreligion5618 diversity doesn't leads to nationhood but conflicts as we are witnessing. India was created by East India Company by occupying several countries of South Asia which were already under foreign occupation for centuries. We have been artificially trying to create a nation on the basis of myths and mythology so that the empire created by the Mughals and British remains intact which will benefit few business houses profiteering under the British and political families supported by them to the detriment of rest of India. This is the reason why India and Indians are so appallingly poor even more than 70 years after the exit of the British, a bunch of armed merchants. Way forward is decentralisation and greater devolution of power to the states with bare minimum being handled centrally by representatives of every state instead of one political party monopolised by an individual or a family.
@scienceisreligion5618 we are all different people. So, why should education illegally and unconstitutionaly without the consent of the people put under the concurrent list during an illegal undemocratic emergency?? Did anyone take the consent of the masses through a referendum in this post British India consisting of 11 illegally occupied provinces of British India with 565 princely states many of whom are themselves of foreign origin?? Don't you think the bhoomiputras will start asking these questions?? Modi himself came to power on the promise of minimum government and maximum governance, competitive and cooperative federalism etc etc. What we have been seeing under his rule is less governance and more government and greater centralisation of power in a diverse subcontinent of a country like India.
@scienceisreligion5618 if Punjabis run Punjab, Biharis run Bihar, Tamils run Tamil Nadu, Malayalis run Kerala, Bengalis run Bengal etc then why do we need a central government run by a political party not representing Punjabis, Bengalis, Malayalis, Tamils, Jharkhandis etc etc?? Isn't this the biggest flaw in the current centralised form of government?? Isn't this form of government going to send more resources to the states it represents to the detriment of states which reject this political party and its ideology?? Equalization means looting one state to enrich politically powerful states. This ruse needs to end. States and not central government need to be responsible for the development and progress of the respective states.
@scienceisreligion5618 a party led by Gujaratis or by Hindi people, what inclusion will they do to people whom they don't represent?? Isn't this why so many regional leaders broke away from Congress and regional allies from BJP?? When Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, UP, Gujarat, West Bengal etc can manage their own affairs far better on their own, why do we need a central government which acts like a third leg and drag states it doesn't represents actually back which is what Modi's double engine ka Sarkar means where central government either acts as a force multiplier for those whom it represents and a hurdle for those it doesn't represents. Enough of this three legged race. Time for states to sprint on their two legs.
@scienceisreligion5618 who is going to invade Tamil Nadu or UP Bihar?? India got invaded and occupied because of Mir Jafar and Jagat Seths in our midst who were helping the foreigners to invade and occupy what we call India today. Without help from India and Indians, so few foreigners could never conquer India.
@pranjuldwivedi9382 The union of India has been formed by uniting 11 illegally occupied provinces of British India with 565 princely states who were never a part of British India. Gujarat Rajasthan Kashmir fall in the latter category. what you have mentioned is continuing legacy of the British Raj. India is a union of states because each state is a nation in its own right as they are culturally, ethnically, racially, linguistically completely different from other states. People of a nation belong to one ethnicity, race and identity not to multiple identities. Formation of new states can only happen with consent from the people of the respective State. Violation of this, violates the constitution of India and the basis on which the post British federal union of India has been formed. As per constitution of East India Company and the British it was illegal for the colonies to break away from the empire. Nothing is permanent. Only thing permanent is self interest. The day a particular group of people feel they are not getting their due and are part of an exploitative extractive system, that day they will walk out of such artificial union. Bangladesh is the best example. A democratic country, has to be run as per the wishes of the people otherwise we are no different from a dictatorship.
@scienceisreligion5618 centralised rule in a diverse population leads to marginalization and colonisation of the minority by the majority or the powerful over the less powerful. This will lead to backlash and conflicts which we have been witnessing right from 1947. Diverse people need to be allowed to manage their own affairs as they deem fit. In a diverse population, only macro issues like currency, defence, reserve Bank need to be governed centrally for all. Jharkhand Adivasis have nothing in common with Hindi speaking Biharis. They were being looted and exploited by Bihar and now when they have separated, Jharkhand is more prosperous than Bihar. Similarly, natural resources of Jharkhand is being exploited by the central government. If 100% of the profits from the natural resources of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha goes back to these states, they'll be the richest states of India instead of the current poorest states of the country. This is why for real progress and development, power particularly economic power needs to go to the states with bare minimum being handled centrally by representatives of all state governments instead of politicians from one party and IAS babus.
@scienceisreligion5618 What justice can you expect from a supreme court where the chief justices are accused of rape and theft?? there's a saying you show me the individual and I'll show you the law. How Supreme court becomes hyper active over jailing of Arnab Goswami and continued to sleep for months over Stan Swamy and many other people without any influence like him?? No problem with NEET provided it has the concurrence of all states and some states must not feel that it is being imposed on them to the detriment of their citizens. British is not over because we have continued with the same system and structure of loot and exploitation of the British without any change. Those who were helping the British rule and loot India, have taken over from the British not only British India but further expanded it by almost 50% of today's India. These things have to be disclosed and debated if India and Indians have to remain united and progress.
@scienceisreligion5618 formation of Jharkhand and Telengana was first passed from the state assembly and only then the central government formed new states as per the wishes of the bhoomiputras of the states. Whether UP or Tamil Nadu needs to be broken for better administration needs to be decided by the people of that state. Forcibly breaking states by a political party in centre not elected by the people of that state is a direct assault on that state by people of another state whose political party is in the central government. This is not only against the law of the land and the constitution but an invitation to civil war and balkanization of the India. India was not supposed to have this type of central government which is replica of the British Raj. India was supposed to be a union of empowered states with few activities being governed by a central government. Willy nilly things can't be imposed arbitrarily in a diverse subcontinent of a country like India. Do you think it is responsibility of tribals of Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh to uplift resource poor states?? Did anyone take permission from the tribals of Jharkhand Odisha Chhattisgarh in this matter?? Muslims are not the only minorities. There are linguistic racial ethnic minorities who collectively are more than 70% of India's population.
@scienceisreligion5618 what happened to scams related to 2G and other scams against the Nehru Gandhi parivar?? If Jayalalitha is corrupt then it is task of the people of Tamil Nadu to bring her to book not a Gujarati or Kashmiri or UP Bihari sitting in New Delhi. Similarly people of UP Bihar need to punish those who are robbing UP Bihar by electing good leaders. If they are not able to do so then they deserve the leaders they get and others shouldn't be expected to bear their burden.
@scienceisreligion5618 it is responsibility of Tamils to elect or bring to book corrupt people as law and order is a state subject. CBI is Delhi police as it has been formed under the Delhi police act. CBI is only meant for action against central government employees who are outside the purview of state law and order. Politicians have made not only police but CBI ED IT completely irrelevant as they are no longer impartial agencies but arms of political party in power.
@scienceisreligion5618 How can breaking up a state with same people into several parts by a political party having inimical relations with the state be considered as a good move?? India is a subcontinent and there it can never have one identity. More power to central government means more power to those ethnicities linguistic religious racial groups who due to sheer numbers manage to capture central government to the detriment of those who due to minority status fail to send their representatives to the central government. This is how when someone from UP Bihar comes to power in central government maximum resources are diverted to these states irrespective of their contribution to the national exchequer. Similarly Gujarati occupying power in the central government has led to major windfall for Gujarat and Gujaratis to the detriment of India and Indians. In a pandemic and national emergency, things have to be coordinated centrally. India is a democracy. Put the question of whether power should rest with the states or the centre before the masses through a referendum.
@scienceisreligion5618 yes war is coming and this has been predicted by our own military and even an AI in USA. But, this war will be within India and not from outside India. Which is why we need to take steps like empowerment of the masses through devolution of power to the grassroots instead of being concentrated in one place monopolised by few individuals. Existing system which has its roots in the British Raj, can't continue for long.
@scienceisreligion5618 Punjabi Manmohan as a PM was being remote controlled by an Italian bahu whose Kashmiri family claims to represent UP and ruled India for 60 years but never integrated their home state Kashmir with India. It is this kind of relationship that not only I but several Indians are completely against. I don't know what you mean by national because they certainly don't represent south, central, north (Kashmir and Punjab) and north east because what Modi Shah's BJP stands for is not only alien but hostile to the existence of these people. No one is asking for separation but maximum role for states and minimum for central government. When states can run their own affairs and a central government acts as a hurdle then why have the central government?? Isn't this minimum government and maximum governance?? Isn't states and people at the grassroots running their own affairs truly Swaraj?
@scienceisreligion5618 who is going to invade India?? Pakistan?? China?? Burma?? Bangladesh?? Lol!! Get real. No one is invading India. If we don't get our act together, real danger to India will come from within India. Even China and Pakistan also perceive biggest threat from within their country.
@scienceisreligion5618 what are you smoking, this country has been led by a Kashmiri family for last more than 60 years. What are you missing?? India is the Greek name of today's Pakistan. We will take power whenever we wish. In a democracy, power rests with the people whereas in a dictatorship, power rests with the government. If you read and understood Samuel Huntington's Clash of civilizations, you would be expressing views mirroring mine.
@scienceisreligion5618 formation of Jharkhand and Telengana was first passed from the state assembly and only then the central government formed new states as per the wishes of the bhoomiputras of the states. Whether UP or Tamil Nadu needs to be broken for better administration needs to be decided by the people of that state. Forcibly breaking states by a political party in centre not elected by the people of that state is a direct assault on that state by people of another state whose political party is in the central government. This is not only against the law of the land and the constitution but an invitation to civil war and balkanization of the India. India was not supposed to have this type of central government which is replica of the British Raj. India was supposed to be a union of empowered states with few activities being governed by a central government. Willy nilly things can't be imposed arbitrarily in a diverse subcontinent of a country like India.
@karthika560 Telegus need to challenge bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh without the consent of the state's people. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, economically and politically one of the most powerful states in South India was done to make it politically less powerful particularly when this state challenged Hindi political parties masquerading as national parties. New Delhi based parties like Congress have never been comfortable with politically powerful non Hindi states which is why they are desperate to splinter non Hindi states into small politically insignificant states.