Comments by "agon noga" (@agonnoga6100) on "To raise a fallen people: How 19th century Indians saw their world and shaped ours" video.

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  11.  @zzzzz653  There's a saying, little knowledge is dangerous. You are best proof of this adage. where's the proof that Mauryan empire stretched from Afghanistan to Tamil Nadu?? If that has been the case you would find some evidence of Mauryan occupation in Tamil Nadu and Afghanistan. And even if for argument sake we do accept that the Mauryans managed to occupy kingdoms from Afghanistan to Tamil Nadu it was no different from Maratha occupation of India from Attock to Cuttack. It was an occupation no different from East India Company occupation or Mughal occupation of the subcontinent. What you have quoted about Megasthenes literally means India is a square shaped country, bound by Greece aka Ariana, Taurus mountain in Turkey, Caucas mountain in Georgia . Do you see any resemblance to this with even British India?? 30 stadia means 5 kms wide. Where do you find Ganges with 5 kms width anywhere in the country let alone at the source at Gaumukh where even today there are no motorable roads and people have to travel by foot or on horses?? Gangaridai was a Bengali kingdom different from Mauryan Kingdom. If Ganges empties in the eastern boundary of Gangaridai then most probably today's Jharkhand and Bihar were also a part of Gangaridai kingdom if we go by this description. Ganges, doesn't runs from North to South but in central India from west to east. There's another Ganges river which is today known as Mekong which flows from north to south. Original name of Mekong is Maa Gange in Sanskrit Maa Gonga in Bengali which the Chinese called Mei gonghe which became Mekong. I'll end this comment by advising you to practice what you preach. Please read and more importantly understand before you post anything in your comment.