Comments by "agon noga" (@agonnoga6100) on "To shed India’s colonial legacy, PM Modi should begin by reforming our colonial-era police" video.
You are forgetting India, itself is a creation of the British.
There was no country called India, prior to arrival of East India Company.
It is not only police, but our army, political system, political parties like Congress, our laws, courts, economy, business houses etc etc were all created by the British to subjugate, exploit and extract from India.
1947, wasn't independence of India, but a transfer of power from the British to the power structure who were supporting the British in India. We also need to keep in mind, only little more than 50% of today's India was British India. Rest were independent kingdoms allied with the British and under the suzerainty of the British but not part of British empire.
If Herr Hitler didn't start world war two, even today India would be a colony of British and we would be singing God save the king instead of Jana Gana Mana.
To shed our colonial legacy, power needs to move from New Delhi to the states as was planned in the 1946 cabinet mission plan and advocated by Modi through "competitive and cooperative federalism". But, can he walk the talk? Under Modi we are seeing greater centralization due to pressure from crony capitalists who cannot survive without the patronage from Dilli Durbar right from the days of the British.