Comments by "OscarTang" (@oscartang4587u3) on "Analyzing a modern fascist book "Socialism of Duty"" video.
Marxism was not about democracy.
"Democracy would be wholly valueless to the proletariat if it were not immediately used as a means for putting through measures directed against private property and ensuring the livelihood of the proletariat." ("Communist Confession of Faith")
“Freedom in this field can only consist in socialized man, the associated producers, rationally regulating their interchange with Nature, bringing it under their common control, instead of being ruled by it as by the blind forces of Nature; and achieving this with the least expenditure of energy and under conditions most favorable to, and worthy of, their human nature.” (“Das Kapital v3,” p593.)
Just a "socialized man," not a "democratically elected man."
Marxism may start from protecting the basic workers’ right , but in reality, it ended in totalitarianism and lost of civil right, while USSRs’ workers have worsen/equal (dependent on the source of Fred Copeman account) working conditions than their Capitalist Counterpart even in Stalin era.
Marxism in reality is just about socialising the working class under the slogan of “social democracy and protecting the basic workers right”. Just like Nazism is just about socialising the Aryan race under the slogans of “Social Darwinism”. If Hitler is truly believed in Social Darwinism, Himmiler and Goebbels would never able to become Nazi Party leaders because of their disabilities.
"Socialism is not Marxism", but Marxism is a kind of Socialism. If your argument was really built on the assumption that "Marxism is excluded from Socialism", your whole argument is under the level of a Middle Schooler.
I believe all those so-called "what Nazis defined" you stated were just the book's narrative, but not statements Nazi openly made.
The English Translator of Mein Kampf James Murphy stated in the Translator's Introduction that
"I would point out that the term Social Democracy may be misleading in English, as it has not a democratic connotation in our sense. It was the name given to the Socialist Party in Germany. And that Party was purely Marxist; but it adopted the name Social Democrat in order to appeal to the democratic sections of the German people."
Hitler was refering the "Social Democracy"(Social Democrat) as "Marxist", not "Marxist" as "Social Democracy", that is the first logic fallacy your book made. Your claim of Nazi defining Marxism as [social democracy and the protection of basic workers’ rights], therefore, the reason behind that definition must be [nazis considered democracy the enemy and anything democratic was considered marxist therefore Jewish] was just reverse causation and slippery slope fallacy
On the other hand, in the 6/3/1929 public speech, Hitler said:
"If today a Communist turns to me and says you are against democracy, against the rule of the people - no, I am not against the rule of the people, I am only against the rule of the elite of the stupidity of a nation, that is all. Because I object that the representation of a nation should only be found in its stupidity, and profess my belief that the only true representation of a nation lies in genius, in its daring, in the superior reason. Put the best of the nation at its head and subject the people to their rule! As long as one gives oneself over to the mob, it is not the people who rule but the froth, not that rules which sinks to the bottom because of its value, but that which because of its lack of value swims on top and noisomely forms bubbles there. This is the only declaration against democracy which has any justification." (Zitelmann, R. "Hitler: The Policies of Seduction.)
If Hitler really openly stated [nazis considered democracy the enemy and anything democratic was considered marxist therefore Jewish.] Why would he say "I am not against the rule of the people." in his speech.
For [By the term “socialism,” they didn’t mean anything that we would even remotely recognize as socialist, but rather their policy of intervening in the free market for the benefit of the capitalists.]
Ishay Landa alraedy assumed Nazi policy were for the benefit of the capitalists, that is a circular definition, nomatter what the Nazi do they must be capitalist, because their policy were for the benefit of the capitalists. Their policy were for the benefit of the capitalists because they were capitalist.
Btw I would really want to see the direct quote from any Nazi Literature that claimed [ “Socialism” means their policy of intervening in the free market for the benefit of the capitalists.] and [“Marxism” means social democracy and protecting the basic workers' right.]
Nazis in your narrative were just like those 90s cartoon villains that will publicly announce: "Because we are evil, we must destroy all good things in humankind."