Comments by "TD2943" (@Toad2943) on "Meghan McCain Snaps Over ‘Uncivil’ Applause | Joy Behar Defends Democratic Socialism" video.
Lol David, love it when u r so passionate and dropping the F bomb here and there, my only concern u might slip one day and use that on your radio show 🤐🤑.
Back to the show, Joy Behar was cool to say what she said, although I wonder about her future now she is openly pro Bernie and “SOCIAL Democrats” , but we know how “Me-Again. McCaine” felt, , but I also saw how Whoopi reacted to it, Whoopi who was going like fire angry and pissed on social democrats in Congress a coupe, weeks ago, I don’t watch the show but from little I saw from your clip, cuts off right there and no follow up from Whoopi .
I do owe you an apology, ( someowhat) but you jumped the gun too, my “STFU” comment was not directed at you, it was meant to “Dana Chapin’
Obviously I was replying to him/her when your comment was posted and since u were the last one who commented , my reply ( which I didn’t tag) came across as if it was meant to you,, for that I am sorry, but you probably should have also thought since it was not tagged or with your name on it, MAYBE was not meant for you. (50/50)???
I am just sick and tired of blacks who put sell out shills on high pedestal simply because they are or a has been celebrity, , this Whoopi needs more than just an education on progressive attitude, she needs to stop supporting the the establishment and people who keeps African Americans in this modern slavery we live in. I think Establishment for all sides are using people like her to keep us down with pretence of advocating for the blacks. Her, Obama’s, John Lewis ( yes I Said him ) the excivil right activist, who Bernie Sanders side by side during the civil rights movement but yet he denied even knowing Sanders and hence the sell out shill Lewis endorsed the cunt Hitlery, I lost respect for him and all his accomplishment that day,
And appearntly he has his shills here , specially those who are defending this has been washed up actress.