Comments by "LancesArmorStriking" (@LancesArmorStriking) on "How Russia could collapse (again)" video.
Wtf are you talking about? The 90s was the only time in Russian history when private property law was respected.
Or did you already forget about the massive privatization? How do you think that was possible?
If property law was not respected, all of the businesses created would have been quickly seized by the state. Instead, under Yeltsin, the state assets were given to private owners.
In fact, this is why there was so much enthusiasm in the West and companies willing to come in (like first McDonald's in Moscow).
The companies felt safe that their investments would not be lost.
"except they managed to purge organised crime"
Bruh. Skinheads are still around in Poland, Ukraine, and Russia. This is not the big factor for economic development.
Poland's institutions (civil society, courts, state run companies) were allowed to transition a little bit more slowly than Russia, giving them more stability to plan.
That's the main reason.
Russia was pressured to privatize everything right away, which meant the government needed to get its money only from taxes.... taxes on what businesses?
The Western ones could not fill the entire budget. And the Russian ones did not exist yet.
There was suddenly no money for police, social services, etc. Then everything fell into chaos. Do you understand now?
Dude, you need to edit your text. Split it up into pieces, you can't be that lazy.
"Lustration" was not the difference. The other countries (Poland, Baltics) receieved more money per person/per country's economy, and their institutions were allowed to transition more slowly. What is so hard to understand here?
Also, the US didn't rug Poland or Estonia's election to keep a drunkard President in power.
How is that our fault, and how would "Lustration" solve that?!
I cannot speak to the efficiency of the Soviet system, since it worked fine for my family, and I don't see why everyone should be forced to compete.
Why? So maybe one day you will get great healthcare, once the market becomes advanced enough... or, you could just give everybody coverage now.
The rails is a stupid argument, since Russia's rail gauge is from Tsarist times. It has nothing to do with communist ideology-- in fact, it is a little more efficient, since freight is able to carry more per railcar.
"Going both ways was unacceptable, because it would reveal advantages of a later"
Then what is ukraine afraid of? If one system is obviously better, then why not do both? According to you, the first one will naturally fail.
By the way, when it comes to public services, European countries run things like Soviets.
Healthcare is not for-profit, neither is transport or most education. So I am not sure what specific things you're talking about.
_"it’s not true that your former government haven’t enjoyed enormous subsidies from germans for agreeing to allow Germany’s unification or from Clinton to liberalise the economy,"
This is hilarious. You think East Germany (the only one required to pay reparations for WWII, West Germany was never told to...)
could finance the rebuilding of the entire USSR??
There were no "subsidies" in exchange for unification, in fact the only promise made was that NATO infrastructure would not move past Germany, and that promise was quickly broken.
"we both know were these money went "
Then why did you just say that we "benefitted from subsidies"?!?
In one breath yo say the West helped us, in another breath you say no help arrived.
I wasn't commenting about rule of law generally, but property law, which is what your original point was talking about. Privatization ensured that property laws were respected, at least for oligarchs and Western companies.
This is precisely the problem- the West shouldn't have taken oligarchs' money.
It was stolen from ordinary Russian citizens and they knew it.
"You know perfectly well that initial economical shock came from the spenditure of soviet-afgan war, chernobyl and low oil prices and inefficiency of the system"
Now you're just pulling things out of your ass. All of those factors were present prior to the collapse, and were the baseline-- things only got worse as other things added on.
Could you explain how Chernobyl affected the economy, too?
Lol, "stay on topic" Right.
It skyrocketed industry while leaving other areas unaddressed; the USSR multiplied Tsarist Russia's machinery output by several times, but did not focus on consumer goods.
I presume it has nothing to do with the 90s because Latin America-- many countries starting with capitalism, not communism-- suffered the same effects, though even their treatment was not as extreme as Russia's.
In Bolivia, where shock therapy was first implemented, hyper-inflation was stopped, but unemployment rose to 21%. Not great results. In Chile, it created huge wealth inequality (similar to Russia).
By the way, the architect of shock therapy in Russia, Jeffrey Sachs, later said that even his plan was not followed, and everything was sold off without considering stability or the Russian people.
It was just the US kicking an enemy in the stomach. Sorry
"Not sure I agree with that" Lol, well then what else is there to say? If you simply don't believe it, why engage in the conversation?
Maybe you'll believe Michael Meadowcroft, who led the OSCE observation of Russia's elections.
“The West let Russia down, and it’s a shame,” said Meadowcroft, a former British MP and veteran of 48 election-monitoring missions to 35 countries.
“Up to the last minute I was being pressured by [the OSCE higher-ups in] Warsaw to change what I wanted to say,” said Meadowcroft. “In terms of what the OSCE was prepared to say publicly about the election, they were very opposed to any suggestion that the election had been manipulated.”
In fact, he says, the OSCE and the West had made its mind up about how wonderfully free and fair Boris Yeltsin’s election was before voting even started.
Clinton "helped" the IMF to give Yeltsin a $10B loan, which are not supposed to be used for political purposes, only economic policy.
Yet that money never got used in any public works projects... though Yeltsin did suddenly have a lot more resources to run his campaign.
There were only about 500,000 voting age people in Chechnya, this was still during the war too--- yet 1M pro-Yeltsin votes?
Don't be delusional. All evidence points to it being election fraud, and American interference with Russia's democratic process.
If you're going to write a book, at least use pages. Get rid of the disgusting text block.
1. Stop with the paternalistic bullshit, and don't lecture us on what to do. We did that already, and it failed twice. We killed our own Tsar.
The issue is, "standing up to power" never happens in a vacuum, and the West is always sticking its finger into our affairs.
Ironically, they were the ones supporting the Whites, the very same side we stood up to. So you'll have to excuse me if I don't believe your 'rousing' speech.
2. Source needed
What is this meant to communicate to me? Are you trying to make an emotional appeal, or a logical one?
The image is graphic, but ultimately it is just government dissent being silenced, and in that sense it is commonplace. I could just as easily demand the US stop supporting Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Compared to being stoned to death or beheaded, a shot in the arm is merciful. But I don't see you focusing on that first, because you are selective with your interventionist stance.
3. We "allow" it because, believe it or not, it is still better than the West's treatment of Russia. That is scarier to us than the current situation.
In the 1990s, there was a slim window of opportunity to bring Russia into the Western fold-- help it develop an economy, good trade relations, stable democratic processes.
What did we get? Mass privatization, complete collapse of social services, plundering of the country (the money from which the West was all too happy to take), mafia rule in every region of Russia, destruction of industrial capacity and brain drain.
2-3M extra people died in that decade due to lack of healthcare and deaths of despair (mostly alcoholism).
Think of the millions of mothers greying prematurely, finding out their husband drank himself to death after losing his Soviet pension. Or that their son died of a drug overdose (the West brought plenty of that, too).
Now tell me which is worse.
Or better yet, ask someone in Iraq if they appreciate a civil war over Saddam. Now there are 1000 Saddams.