Comments by "Captain James Barrow" (@deaddropholiday) on "RAF Woke - We Don't Want WHITE MEN In Our Air Force" video.

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  2.  @FastJetPerformance  Short story. Many years ago when I was young and dumb I used to call into the local BBC radio channel in Liverpool making points about the politics of the day. I was - what you might call - an independent thinker completely outside of the Labour-Tory spectrum we've been handed. Understand, I'm not a molotov cocktail wielding anarchist or some right wing fascist lunatic with a skinhead and Dockers. I'm simply one of many who believe successive governments (Labour and Tory) have let us down badly over the years. Anyhoo - after getting on several times I began to enjoy the banter. That was until my phone rang - completely out of the blue - and somebody from the Beeb told me they had a "long time contributor" to the show who just happened to like the cut of my jib. Would it be OK for them to put this person in contact with me? Being the accommodating person that I am I said "Sure!". Instantly the line switched over and I was talking to this middle aged woman who was positively gushing with praise. "I just love what you say. I agree with so much of it! I'd love to know more about you ... etc. etc." As the conversation moved from her stroking my ego to artfully dissecting my personality and political persuasion I felt a tickle of unease at the back of my mind. This whole dialogue took on a completely surreal aspect and I knew I had to get off the phone as quickly as possible. I made my excuses and hung up. Three times they tried to ring me back and I turned my phone off. Throughout my life I've never felt scared of expressing myself in this country. But I can tell you I felt scared that day. And I've never called a BBC phone in show again. Never forget - the BBC was created as a tool of information warfare and it has been such ever since. If they expressly contact you be very, very suspicious.