Comments by "Gordon Graham" (@gordonbgraham) on "What's it Really like Living in Kyoto as a Foreigner?" video.

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  10.  @demetriusmorgenroth2835  There's a lot to unpack here...which I may at a later date, but I'd like to address this point specifically. "(1) Japanese native students study for more than 10 years not to acquire language proficiency for university, but for overall proficiency (including knowledge on their desired field)" I didn't intend to mean that Japanese study for more than 10 years to acquire language proficiency "for university" only that it TAKES more than 10 years to attain such a level of proficiency, and that's with reading and writing daily in one's native language. My eldest daughter is currently on scholarship at University of Tsukuba. She's studying microbiology, not English. She's an exceptional student. It took her more than 10 years to become proficient in Japanese in terms of literacy and that's with attending juku 3 nights a week since 3rd year junior high school. I've also taught at a high school of 1500 kids for 30 years. I'm well aware of how many kids fail the university entrance exams for the school of their choice and have to take exams for lower ranking schools as a result. Only about 1/4 of students pass their initial entrance exams for university. Regarding this point " it took me approximately two years to take a handwritten, ~1500 word paper exam on Japanese law written exclusively in Japanese and pass it." You are clearly an extremely exceptional case. I'd be cautious about making recommendations to others who are likely not of your exceptional level, especially when the stakes are so high, as they are in terms of money, time and commitment vis a vis studying at a university in Japan from abroad.
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