Comments by "Gordon Graham" (@gordonbgraham) on "Do Japanese Girls Want to Date Western Guys?" video.

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  2.  @pepoCD  Most people in Japan don't feel the need to learn English for several reasons. One being primarily because they don't need English for economic reasons. You don't need English for more than 90% of jobs in Japan. Japan is a nation that is 97.8% Japanese. Most Japanese speak some English and can get by with the basic functional language such as "where is the washroom ?" "What time is it?" or "How much is this?". "Need" catalyses motivation which in turn facilitates acquisition. Most Japanese don't feel the need to become fluent in English. Those who do, speak English quite well and have better grammar than most native speakers. Because we live in the IT age, we have translation software so there are plenty of ways to learn about other cultures that don't include speaking a foreign language. Another reason being kids in Japan are overloaded with not only homework, but prep-school, piano lessons (I would hazard a guess that 1/3 of Japanese kids play a musical instrument...and most of them quite well), sports etc. Club activities are 7 days a week, 12 months a year in Japanese high schools. Acquiring a 2nd language takes a tonne of time. I'm fluent and literate in Japanese. It took me 10 years of diligent study to become fluent, 15 to become literate and I don't have half the schedule constraints as a Japanese teenager. Whether fluency in a 2nd language should or shouldn't be the norm is based on the accumulative desires of a given population. That is entirely up to each individual whose desires "shouldn't" be dictated by the opinions of others about what should or shouldn't be. Oh, and I've lived in Japan for 30 years...I've yet to meet a European who can read and write in Japanese above an elementary school grade 2 level even after having lived here for a decade!
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