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Comments by "wzukr" (@wzukr) on "Getting to Work: Japan vs USA" video.
@kristinesharp6286 "the company would pay the city. The city pays the cops. " Thanks, but that can not happen in my country (Austria). All cops are hired by the Ministry of the Interior, all soldiers (inlcuding the draftees for their service time) by the Ministry of Defense. No one can hire them for their private interests here. Europe is a very different world than the US, we don´t have school police/security either.
@RaboneJunior at least over here in Austria (Europe) you can´t use/hire state officials/emloyees like police officers or soldiers for private interests. This will never happen!
@andreiistrate2214 asked "I'm confused. How can a private individual or company hire a public servant (a cop)" You need to know that cops are hired by the local mayor and thus simply employees like a city clerk, teacher, or street cleaner. They are not hired by the Ministry of the Interiour like in my country. That´s why US-cops can simply hire in the next city when they get eliminated while in mine it´s game over as LEO in the whole country.
@kristinesharp6286 asked "The one thing I do not understand is the shoot and ski competition at the olympics. Why would shooting and skiing need to be a combined skill, except in a James Bond movie?" Biathlon (that´s how this sport is called) derives originaly from the service of border patrols in rough terrain. But also mountain infantry does skiing and shooting with small arms/machine guns. View "Edelweiss Raid" 2017" on YouTube and you´ll see why.
@kristinesharp6286 asked " [...] Do you have wolves, coyote, bears, gators, rattlesnakes? There are many reasons people have weapons here. I thank God don’t have need for one.[...]" We have wolves and brown bears and one poisonous snake species. I don´t have a proplem that your people have guns for different reasons. What the world outside the USA can´t comprehend is that people claim their "God given" right to bear arms onto a constitution which is several hundred years old with very different situations (or do you need to defend yourself against the native people nowadays?).
@kristinesharp6286 sad to hear about your distress with the transportation. I live in totally ruraly area, walked to primary school one kilometer (unattended). Then to secondary by bus two miles, finaly in comercial college ~ 20 km (all distances in one direction). And later I commuted to Vienna to nursery school (one hour by train). School transport is regulated by the state here, students get an transportation- ID for the whole year.
" a big free standing house," You mean those made from "cardboard"? How expensive are they?
@kristinesharp6286 wrote "@wzukr you forgot suspects shooing at people, trying to stab people, trying to hammer people trying to run over people, trying to shoot police officers. That does not fit the Hollywood narrative so not in movies as much.[...]" Such violent crimes are not common in my country. There were "only" three police officers in the last decade which got killed on duty by a man. I don´t remember when the last suspect/criminal was shot and killed by police. This happens very, very seldom! Here even warning shots into the air from police officers make it onto the front page of newspapers so seldom need our cops to use their service guns. BTW, YOU forgot that the US-supreme court ruled that your cops are NOT required to defend anyone. Quote "Police Have No Duty to Protect the Public Though often unsaid in police reform debates, numerous court precedents have established that cops aren’t obligated to act in the interests of citizens. by Ramenda Cyrus April 18, 2022" unquote Source (one of the many): The American Prospect
"All the accessible parking spaces in the world won't help, say a blind person, to get from A to B." No doubt, but blind people can´t get a drivers licence and thus are not allowed to drive a car on a public road and don´t need a parking place in consequence.
@snoopyloopy wrote "Well let's hope they pay for the cop. I wouldn't at all be surprised to find out that the PD are just doing it without getting reimbursed for the cost." You must be kidding. Local cops get hired by the local mayor/city council as far as I know and they are who pay them (with taxes). Why would/should a company pay those cops again for simply doing what he gets paid for?
You asked why the drivers in the USA didn´t stop in fron of the railway tracks. Is this not an St. Andrew Cross ('level crossing sign') and over road lights which regulate the traffic (security to cross the tracks) in the video in Indy? I didn´t see the same in the Tokio scene.
@kristinesharp6286 Austria hosts several World Cups, eg. in skiing. No, not the sport team nor a company running a contest owes the government something. Or even the PD like it´s common in the USA (eg. buying them food, etc.) On the contrary this would cause severe problems, eg based on the prohibition to accept gifts/money. Austria is a small country with only 8.5 mill. inhabitants. There is no much violent crime here either and it´s a very safe place (for cops and suspects/criminals). Suspects running away unarmed can´t be stopped simply with shots in their back what I see in many videos from the US. Or cops shooting at drivers for leaving a traffic stop unallowed by driving away, etc.... BTW, our cops get less than an US-cops salary and don´t get glorified as heroes. They´re doing their job like any other person in the country, that´s all.
@kristinesharp6286 I don´t know where to start to answer your questions or on what specific matters it will be the best as your comment is so long and covers so many different subjects. The only reason why I will answer them is because PEOPLE CAN LEARN FROM IT. I´ll split your statement into several parts and respond to the single matters, that will be the best.
Here in Austria (in Central Europe, not Australia with the kangaroos) employers don´t pay for your commute. But you self can get commuter allowance ( = paying less taxes from your salary) depending on the distance to the workplace and the possibility of one can use public transport.
@kristinesharp6286 "Yeah I don’t understand the school is technically responsible for getting students to school. " Why would a school be responsible for public traffic service?
@kristinesharp6286 told " [...] More police have tasers than before. When they first came out though some very unhealthy individuals died from the jolt so took a while to catch on. Not good for the heart if you are 300 pounds and under 21. Clearly the preferred method of disabling an armed person from a distance [...]" No doubt, but sadly you have cops who confuse their service gun with the taser and kill people in this way. Or they kill mental ill people for not following their lawful orders. How on earth can someone expect from such patients to react like healthy people and even crisp what situation they´re in? That´s total nonsense and shows the lack of proper training! And most times your cops wait on EMS instead to render First Aid. That´s prison time for everyone here in my country as our laws request from everyone to help people in need/injured people.
@kristinesharp6286 claimed "Armed men enter a school and kill or take hostage students in many countries but we have to scroll very far down the screen on the news page to read about that. You live in utopia." I see this reaction very often by US-citizens, they can´t imagine that their country is NOT the greatest/safest and that life in other countries is so different. NOTE: There was NOT a single school shooting in my country ever, which was mentioned in a document the first time in 972 (see "Ostarrichi"). FYI, in my country EVERYONE has health insurance, even people who do not work or refugees as soon as they enter the country! The prize we pay for things one needs for work (shoes, books, computer, software, etc.) we get back at the end of the calendar year as tax refund (it`s called "Steuerausgleich = tax adjustement). That´s part of the life in Utopia 🙂
@kristinesharp6286 " A traffic stop and a domestic call are the two most dangerous calls for a police officer to respond to from the well being of the officer and other civilians at the scene." Why would that be? Why is that US-cops are expecting from everyone that they will harm them? The answer: Brainwashed at their police academy. You cops are calling civilians names (cussing them) and use their flashlights to prevent them executing their rights (to record cops during their duty). As said, your cops need better training! I once compared their training with those of our cops. Yours focus on self-defense and spend most time on the shooting range. Ours study laws, First Aid, learn comunicating with healthy and mental ill people, have training in hand to hand-combat (what we never/very rarely see at US-cops even when the suspect is unarmed and more cops around) and little time on the shooting range. FYI: In 2014 I got the cops called on me (without former knowledge) in Florida because I took photos of birds which were sitting on the public road while I was standing on the public sidewalk! And while even NO crime was commited your bored cops didn´t hesitate to arrive on scene and violated my rights.
@kristinesharp6286 "Their presence at a school dance is meant to put everyone at ease who is supposed to be there and make think twice those who should not be there." School officers present, IMHO, only a false safety. How many cops were in Uvaldee? Did anyone of them save a student? No. How many weapons and military does the USA possess? Did anyone of them prevent 9/11? When I entered the USA with my family as tourists they took finger prints from everyone like we were criminals. Are your authorities so stupid and didn´t ever hear that latex gloves are sold in every walmart? Finger printing doesn´t prevent anything, the real terrorists laugh only about. They´re sacrifying their lives with pleasure when killing US-citizens and you think that fingerprinting them will keep them away? Laughable!
@kristinesharp6286 "What on earth do your farmers do to scare off predators or when they need to put an injured animal down in a hurry? We have had person with a gun at Walmart but we also had a different person with a gun take out the person with a gun at Walmart as well. " They´re using the horn on their tractors or cars to shy them away. Most wild animals avoid the presence of humans and are not interested in a battle with them. I remember the case (one of many with killed/injured civilans who become the victim of cops not handling their weapons properly in a responsible way) when an US-cop fired at a man who threatened others in the walmart with a bike lock and missed that guy killing a little girl which was in the changing room. US-cops love their pursuits, eg of stolen cars, and don´t hesitate to ruin them with PIT-maneuvers and killing the driver for simple theft. Totally insane, I doubt that the owner appreciates when he gets his totalled (stolen) car back.
I can understand you very good. They even have encircled settlements with guarded gates and I´m not talking about prisons! Saw it with my own eyes when we visited Polish friends of mine in Florida!
@kristinesharp6286 "Yeah I don’t understand the school is technically responsible for getting students to school. " As I said above, in the US the cops are slaves of the local major/residents/businesses and not country officials enforcing the law. AFAIK they are even not requested to defend anyone (see Uvaldee).
@kristinesharp6286 believe "I’m sure you have crime shows with no weapons." Wrong, because Austria doesn´t produce crime shows like your "Medical Detectives/Forensic Files".
@kristinesharp6286 "The times a suspect does not survive a police interaction is because they had a weapon on them (tried to use their car as a weapon to run over someone)" Poor Kristie, you sound like a "Blue ISIS bootlicker" as they call such people over on "Police Activity" and other channels, excusing every police action and excessive force at all costs. I´m familiar with your "suspect tried to run over poor cop"-phantasy as I´ve seen dozens of vids where theyself place them in front of a car to stop it, while standing at its side before. And then the "poor cop" is in danger and had to eliminate that threat. A weapon on them, not beeing pointed at anyone, is NOT a threat to anyone. Only in cowards land this does justify deadly action.
@kristinesharp6286 "The entire point of the police is to serve and protect. You are quoting something fake I’m afraid even if you see it repeated several places online. " You must be quote brainwashed to believe that their duty is to protect anyone. Numerous auditors on YT who were cops before verify that this is not the case. It is very worrying for me as foreigner who lives in a foreign country that you don´t realise facts. Those untrained & stupid cops are even dumb enough to record themself while comiting crimes and violations against their own PD-regulations! I´ll not continue to post here things about that anymore. This is not what Greg did upload this video for. Stay healthy and safe.
@kristinesharp6286 wrote " Even President Biden earlier in life had guns. I thought Europeans love him? We also have a volunteer army. We have not needed a draft since 1973. You need people exposed to guns in a more positive and useful way for people to sign up. " Fine for him. And? What has Biden to do with all of it? You didn´t have a draft since 1973 and we didn´t have dead soldiers since 1945 (except a handful who died in car crashes in their spare time). Why? Because my country is neutral and doesn´t need to invade others in Nazi style, like the USA did eg. in Iraq (no mass destruction weapons were found there AFAIK.). And as we don´t wage wars we don´t have KIA/MIA soldiers.