Comments by "Richard Jones" (@EE12CSVT) on "Legion Of Men"
I lost nearly 40kg in weight in around a year in my late 40s and now at 50 I'm pretty jacked, and visible muscular with great tone. It's brought me a lot of respect from men for having done it, but no enjoyment of people's company because I can see the web of manipulation and identify when people try to BS me as they successfully do other people. The people I do enjoy spending time with are very senior or retired academics, purely because they're honest and don't try any of these insincere tricks with each other, nor with me, and they have excellent morals. But they're the exceptions in life, sadly, and they only tend to mix among their own as well for the same reasons – they isolate themselves from the cesspit that is human nature. If people didn't attempt to manipulate me or others, didn't attempt to BS me, had integrity and honour, and could speak by being able to string together a coherent sentence, and the men hadn't been crushed by their wives because they had a backbone, then yes, I'd probably enjoy socialising. But I've tried many times over the decades and give up because the nausea becomes overwhelming after a while. It just doesn't improve my life.
Getting jacked also has turned out to be a curse regarding women because of the attention it brings. It's unpleasant, because of their conduct, and I have to spend effort to eject them from my life.
5ft 8in, 51 y/o, 185 lb, no idea about BF but I've excellent muscle definition, flat stomach, V taper, a chiselled back and shoulders, belt of adonis coming along nicely, broad chest and shoulders, so I'm going the way of Daniel Craig in Casino Royale.
Most of the attentiom I get is from much younger married women. They treat me well. Single women like the eye candy but don't stop playing games. The other group of women who are good to me and lay out the red carpet are in their late teens/early 20s. Very attentive.
Fit men in their mid to late 20s also come on to me, but that's another story.
When I bothered to have relationships or affairs way back in the mists of time, I didn't mind having control over most of what went on. I'd never close off the woman completely, but she understood her role was for me to provide that masculine leadership for most of the time and in most circumstances. It didn't burden me to do it, and I didn't regard her as a passive object that was dragging around. I could trust her to be capable and competent on aspects of her life, but when she was with me, she trusted me to be able to make the decisions and the leadership. It was the same in various jobs I'd had at the time, and since, where my bosses would have to delegate responsibility to me and they'd allow me to have a huge amount of agency to Get Things Done, which I did. And I'd have various staff under me whom I'd delegate tasks to or they were others who knew they had to do whatever I told them.
But these days, women flag out refuse to allow the man to lead. I can only think of three marriages of couples under 60 where the man leads. In all the others, he's that passive guy she's dragging around, not because he doesn't or didn't know how to, it's because the woman flat out refuses to relinquish any power, as it means patriarchal oppression, she's his slave etc etc.
Thinking back to my relatives here in rural UK, my uncles would be something like a caretaker, forestry man, water engineer, drive a road sweeper, that sort of thing. They might live in a modest house in a small town or in the countryside. The wife would be a SAHM, stay at home all the time to raise them, then send the kids to school (they might walk in those days), then if she had a job, she'd work in a newsagent or small shop. She'd leave ready to meet the kids from school if not walk to meet them. Same with the other families they knew. She'd then prepare the meals, and do the cleaning and laundry. He'd get home sometime before 6 to a hot meal. Those were solid marriages with no divorces or infidelity.
Today, she's expected to hold down a full time job on top of trying to get young kids to school, picking them up, and if they get ill, she has to take time off. I've worked with married women who struggle to do all this and they have to call in all sorts of favours from their parents or even neighbours to help out. It's a mess they have to spend so much energy managing.
Self employment? Ha, around here unless you're an electrician or plumber, it's not well paid. Very little demand for carpenters. Some demand for agricultural contractors, but again not well paid. Most of the self employed jobs in my region are at the bottom end, because there aren't numerous employers here other than the public sector. Hence why it's most people's dream to get a job in the council as it's secure, comparatively well paid, and has a pension scheme. The private sector is much smaller in comparison and pays less on average than the public sector. Wages here are something like 80% of the UK average. In other parts of the UK the salaries are even lower. Thus most of the self employed are scrabbling around in the dirt to find something to pay the colossal bills here, even if it works out less than minimum wage after many years. What you describe as people sat with cameras and laptops for their self employed job would be laughable here. The economy here is mostly poor people trying to exchange money with other poor people for low skilled basic tasks as that's all the economy will support. What is flourishing is self employed parcel delivery drivers, using their own battered cars, working 14 hours a day for sh1t pay, with no guaranteed hours. 'Follow your passion' is great in an expanding economy in an area where people and companies have money to spend. SMEs are slashing expenditure, if not going bankrupt. Business confidence - by various metrics - is plummeting. I guess a growth industry will be debt recovery agents.