Comments by "Richard Jones" (@EE12CSVT) on "Woman Admits She Is The PROBLEM But Still Wants A Man To Save Her From Being Single And Lonely" video.

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  3. 7:50 monologue, nope, that's not how it works. 'The better people see you doing, the more people magnetise to you.' Sure, you get more attention from people and from the past, but it's only so they think they can use you. It's rare that any of those suddenly coming into your life will respect you. Most will just want to use you, because most people use everybody else. Men and women. I talk to very, very few people, and don't socialise because of this, and that hardly anybody is sincere with me or anybody else. I have no problem talking with people, they find me charming, but as they find out very early on I can't be manipulated or used, that repels most of them from wanting to do anything with me. That and I don't respond to the BS they spew. What Bo talks about 'positive energy' means in plain English is that the vast majority of people interpret it as you've got a target painted on your back that means you can be used. 9:20 energy exchange, stop chasing women and they come to you: I have little problem attracting them. Every single time they try to manipulate, try to use, start playing games. Last time I met a woman who didn't do any of this was 17 years ago. Very soon after women see that I ignore them and don't chase them, they get disappointed, and scurry off after a simp in their orbit cloud. It's a myth that women are desperate to be with men who ignore them and don't chase them. The moment she realises she can't use a guy, she's off. I've watched all this happen to other men beside myself. For the vast majority of women, if she's hanging around a man or if she's in a relationship with him, it's because she's found a way to use and manipulate him and he hasn't realised it yet. If he did, and if he had self respect, he'd boot her out of his life. The minute she realises he's realised this, she's off. The vast majority of women want naïve simps.
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