Comments by "Seven Proxies" (@sevenproxies4255) on "Being A Radical Anti-Feminist In Korea | Stay Curious" video.

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  5.  @deanjay6454  Personally I have a hard time respecting people who argue from a position of complaining. It's unbecoming of an adult. People in general should be more stoic. Citing hardships of what someone had to go through in the past in order to complain about what's going on today is very dishonest. None of us argue that women and men had it better in the past. There were a wide variety of gender based injustices. For women it could be not being able to file for a divorce. But for men it could be conscription and being sent to die in a war, regardless if the man wanted to go or not. But those are problems of the past. They aren't relevant today. And women living today certainly shouldn't be given any extra benefits just because women in the past faced injustices. And the same goes for men. If you're going to tackle problems of today, they should be treated as current day problems and be scrutinized in their own context, and not by dragging up a bunch of injustices that have existed in the past but are long since gone due to new legislation. But this is what cultural marxists do all the time. They whine and complain about the past to justify their theft of today. But take it to it's logical extreme: where does it end? Human history is rife with atrocities, wars of conquest and government oppression. If we're going to run around and "give back" all that was ever taken, all of society and the world will be plunged into chaos and the majority of people who acted in good faith (for example, people who purchased land with their own money that was conquered at some point in the past) will be destitute in the process. Whatever changes we make, can only be on a "from now on"-basis. There is no valid way for anyone to "correct" the past.
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