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Seven Proxies
Asian Boss
Comments by "Seven Proxies" (@sevenproxies4255) on "Being A Radical Anti-Feminist In Korea | Stay Curious" video.
@MischievousMischief No, you have never lived in a patriarchy. Try moving to a country in the Islamic world, and you'll see what a patriarchy really is. Men in Korea are not enjoying any "unfair priviliges". The same applies to men in the U.S, Europe or Russia.
@arc0613 Feminism was always about shoehorning women into positions where they do not excel at all. They don't want women to get a "fair chance". What they always do when given any power is to FORCE companies and institutions to accept more women, REGARDLESS of how competent these women are or if there are male candidates who are better and more competent. Feminism is the ideology of REJECTING competent men, in favor of accepting INCOMPETENT women.
@memehl4148 If there are women who are just as capable as men at physical jobs, why are the physical standards for these jobs being lowered in an effort to get more women to pass?
@joanmassat8938 And men from your mothers generation faced similar inequalities and responsibilities that women never had to burden themselves with. So it balances out. Oh speaking of "one woman's testimony". As we can see in Korea right now, one womans testimony is enough to get a man jailed for sexual assault. No burden of proof, no external witnesses, no assumtion if innocence. Yet you feminists never seem to complain when women are granted arbitrary powers to send men to prison without a due process. Why is that? 🤔
@deanjay6454 Personally I have a hard time respecting people who argue from a position of complaining. It's unbecoming of an adult. People in general should be more stoic. Citing hardships of what someone had to go through in the past in order to complain about what's going on today is very dishonest. None of us argue that women and men had it better in the past. There were a wide variety of gender based injustices. For women it could be not being able to file for a divorce. But for men it could be conscription and being sent to die in a war, regardless if the man wanted to go or not. But those are problems of the past. They aren't relevant today. And women living today certainly shouldn't be given any extra benefits just because women in the past faced injustices. And the same goes for men. If you're going to tackle problems of today, they should be treated as current day problems and be scrutinized in their own context, and not by dragging up a bunch of injustices that have existed in the past but are long since gone due to new legislation. But this is what cultural marxists do all the time. They whine and complain about the past to justify their theft of today. But take it to it's logical extreme: where does it end? Human history is rife with atrocities, wars of conquest and government oppression. If we're going to run around and "give back" all that was ever taken, all of society and the world will be plunged into chaos and the majority of people who acted in good faith (for example, people who purchased land with their own money that was conquered at some point in the past) will be destitute in the process. Whatever changes we make, can only be on a "from now on"-basis. There is no valid way for anyone to "correct" the past.
Feminism has never been about equal rights. It has only ever been about oppressing men in order to benefit women.
@joanmassat8938 There is no real difference, because feminists of your kind will still argue that society is "patriarchal" and that men somehow enjoy undeserved priviliges due to their gender, even when they do not. When you make up inequalities where there isn't any, and then demand that women be given priviliges ot "make up" for imaginary inequalities, then you're not arguing for "equality" but for supremacy.
@LC-jh3es Feminism is all about victimhood. Like all "social justice" causes it's just a massive circle jerk over who is the biggest "victim".
@deanjay6454 Well i'm living in Europe, and I guarantee that feminism here is the same crap. Likewise my american friends show me that american feminists are equally disgusting. You Koreans are kind of "late to the party" in this regard, since we've been dealing with the feminist problem since the 60's and 70's. I'd hoped that Korea and east asia in general would be spared from it. But Korean cultural exchange with the U.S seems to have brought in Feminism with it.
@joanmassat8938 It's not us anti-feminists who sullied your movement. The misandrists you invited did.
@joanmassat8938 Traditional feminists made no effort whatsoever to keep the misandrists out.
@joanmassat8938 Radical elements are the norm within feminism and not an outlier. Feminists never argue AGAINST one another, regardless of how radical statements some of them make. So the radicalism ends up being normalized in any and all feminist groups. There are no internal power struggles or actual debates within feminism whatsoever.
@memehl4148 It's not a "logical first step" and you're not "empowering women" by employing biased testing of their abilities and fudging numbers for them. All you do is confirm that us anti-feminists are right and that women are less suited for certain jobs in general by the mere fact that you have to CHEAT in order to make women to seem like they are able to compete with men. When I see any woman in a "position of power", I hardly ever think that she got there by her own merit because of feminists like you. I immediately think that her position is unearned and that she's only there because of gender quotas and nothing else. So congtatulations, your support of this idiocy only make me and most of society MORE sexist than before.
@joanmassat8938 No, women most certainly do not posess more endurance than men. Male athletes outperform women in both sprinting contests and marathons.
@joanmassat8938 No women pass the tests for military special forces. Let that sink in.
@sambatra6162 You definitely need to be stoic if you expect me to respect you. If you live a life of being a whiny complainer then I will dismiss anything you have to say and any views you have. Basically you're going to be sub-human to me.
@joanmassat8938 I am not american, nor am I a feminist. I'm anti-feminist. I seek to destroy your political movement. And frankly it's working, since less women every year choose to self-identify as feminist according to all surveys.
@MischievousMischief Show me this evidence then. Show me a direct competition between different teams where one is monoethnic and single gendered and the other is multiethnic and multigendered. I'm waiting...
@memehl4148 It is definitely a decision made lightly by feminist activists. Because they do not care about competence or merit. They only care about the biological sex of any candidate, and making sure that it is female, regardless of how hopelessly incompetent she is and regardless of how many more competent male candidates are available. Such is all marxist ideologies. Including feminism.
I'm happy to see that good, honest people all over the world are standing up to the destructive cancer called "feminism". And it's evidently working since less women choose to describe themselves as feminist with each passing year. Consign this idiotic ideology to the scrapheap of history where it belongs.
@arc0613 Yes, in fact I can and I do.
@sambatra6162 Being called sexist by people like you only flatters me. I love being hated by feminists. 😉
@joanmassat8938 Because higher education is infested with feminism with millions of feminist activist teachers, lecturers and faculties. Feminisms most powerful stronghold is within the academia. So activist teachers are handing out biased grades in classes to make women seem better in education than what they really are. The private business sector however, is not run by a bunch of biased feminist activists but by businessmen. They are not influenced by the politically biased GPA but pay people competitively.
@effygram8159 It most certainly has. Luckily, more and more women are waking up to this fact. Since surveys are showing that less women identify as feminists with each passing year.
@deanjay6454 Google translate is working in this comment section too. I was able to get several posts written in Korean translated to english, so as far as i'm concerned it's fine if people want to post in Korean.
@adridesu1 Every injustice and unequal rights from the past towards women has already been fixed. Yet all feminists everywhere claim women are more oppressed than ever. Feminists are not honest actors. They are nothing but gender supremacists.
@ryulv10 Oh? How do you even know if "most" allegations are false or not? When a court case is determined ENTIRELY by what the alleged "victim" says?
@moccalou It's almost as if nobody is ENTITLED to any particular job? 🤔
@ryulv10 No sorry that is awful. The normal proceedings for a court case is INNOCENT until proven guilty. Threrefore it is crazy to just assume that the "victim" is always telling the truth.
@ryulv10 It's accurate enough. Seriously doubt any major misunderstandings would happen because of it. Definitely not greater misunderstandings compared to forcing people to write in english when they don't feel comfortable with the language yet.
@sambatra6162 No society is not patriarchal. And not it really isn't a problem for me. You're the one constantly whining about how patriarchy ia keeping you down. I deny the existence of the patriarchy and thus I can just ignore any complaints and concerns you have in good conscience. 😁
@memehl4148 Yes I can blame them for being bad faith actors. And no, men did not teach them this at all. But you're a feminist and therefore a dishonest liar by default, so hardly any surprise.
@memehl4148 Nobody is born inferior. But we are evolved to be better suited to certain roles and jobs than others. You will never be as competent of a firefighter as a man can be for example. No matter how hard you train. I'm sorry your dad didn't teach you this. I'm sorry you were lead to believe that any woman can become anything she wants. It's not fair to decieve children and make them think they can achieve things they aren't biologically equipped for.
@xxsanyxx1 You just described feminists of other countries as well there.
@roxyglow9670 Nah, i'm quite alright. And in a happy relationahip with a good woman who absolutely despise feminists too. 😊
@memehl4148 I wrote a reply, but the youtube algorithm seems to have deleted it. Yet another aspect of how you feminists create deception and falsehoods (yes, feminism is a major influence on big tech censorship) It basically bottled down to: I'm not the one putting limitations on you. Nature is. Nature does not care about your fuzzy and naive ideals about equality.
@ryulv10 No, the victim should not be trusted. Only evidence should be trusted. And like I said, South Korea is unreliable with it's statistics, since it will convict men of sexual assault based on testimony from the alleged victim alone and nothing else. That's an untrustworthy kangaroo court.
@joanmassat8938 That may be so, but you can't endure a running marathon at the same level as a man, no matter how hard you train. Child bearing abilities play no part in it whatsoever. But i'm sure giving birth and menstruation will be sports where women will excel the most if you manage to turn these activities into Olympic sports. 🤣
@MS-dw2pb Like I said, the surveys show that fewer and fewer women self-identify as feminists. I guess you won't prevail after all. 🤣
@joanmassat8938 Yet you refuse to rename your movement. Because at the end of the day you don't care about equality. All you desire is female supremacy. You want women to have all rights and priviliges while men have none. No amount of concessions will never be enough for you, because you will still use your mental gymnastics to come up with some way, no matter how far fetched or arbitrary, to claim that society is being "unequal" to women. And that's why I will never concede to any of your wishes or demands, but rather I will smear and discredit your movement as much as I possibly can.