Comments by "Seven Proxies" (@sevenproxies4255) on "Confessions Of A Japanese Ex-Porn Star | STAY CURIOUS #7" video.

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  6. Christopher Nelson: Everything about humans bottles down to functions of biology. Including human psychology and the social behaviours, norms as well as taboos. If you look at sex and attitudes towards sex from a strictly evolutionary perspective, then promiscuity in women is a clear deviant behaviour and has quite valid explanations as to why promiscuity in women is discouraged. This because women can only produce a limited amount of eggs through their ovaries during their lifetime, whereas men can produce sperm cells at ages where the majority of women are completely infertile. Also, pregnancies in women are relatively long and usually only result in a single offspring. And when the baby is born, it also require years of nurture and protection in order to mature to adulthood and become self-sufficient and be able to carry on the genes of it's parents. In the modern world we have access to birth control in the form of contraceptives as well as abortions. But these inventions are relatively new, and it would be naively optimistic to assume that human psychology and behaviour should've evolved fast enough to take birth control into account. In a fully natural context, women can't control pregnancy. In nature, women have a survival imperative to be strictly selective regarding mates and only invest her limited eggs with a worthy partner. For men it's completely different. The genetic survival strategy for the male gender is to impregnate as many women as possible in the hope that some of his offspring will survive to adulthood. This is what is known as "sexual conflict" in biology. Women and men, on account of their different reproductive organs have different strategies and clashing biological interests in how they pass along their genes. And from the male perspective, there is also a biological justification to avoid selecting a long term mate who exhibit signs of promiscuity. Because if a man does settle down with a woman who sleeps around, then he also risks wasting his nurturing efforts on offspring that doesn't belong to him. Once again, scientific acheivements allows humans to test if offspring is really theirs, but we can't assume that our psychology and social instincts have been able to evolve fast enough to "catch up" with these recent inventions.
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