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The Phoenix Saga
The Japan Reporter
Comments by "The Phoenix Saga" (@The_Phoenix_Saga) on "Why Japan Struggles to Revive Its Hikikomori" video.
This generation will be sure to find out the hard way, unfortunately. It sounds cold, but there is simply no helping anyone not prepared to help themselves. This isn't a very pleasant world when it comes down to it- it gives you nothing and demands everything you're willing to let it take.
If they'd tried acting this way a century ago, they'd have starved. It's about time people stopped giving them excuses. And I'm not saying it from a position of privilege - I was brought up with the fact that if I wanted anything, I had to earn it. As such they either want to be helped or they don't. If the latter, there is no need to have them waste anyone else's time.
@pest174 Well as harsh and cold as it is to say - the world doesn't give a damn about how one feels: you either step up or stand aside. You either want to get out of the funk you find yourself in or you don't - and if you don't want to be helped then all the help on earth will not help you. Nobody ever said that reality and truth would be pleasant.
@pest174 Woo - so many responses filed under nerve touched... time to break each down; let's start with yours... So~ it's a perfectly acceptable aspect in life to sit down and whine about how unfair the world is and that everyone else needs to cough up despite their own issues, since misery clearly loves company. Spoiler alert - "National run" means the tax payer is forced to pay out; as such it's not free at all. So say everyone starts sitting around and whining about "Oh me oh my, I can't get a break..." It's a rat race and it sucks: what do you want, a medal?
They're not victims of anything other than themselves. And if their parents love them, then it's the responsibility of the parent to sit down with their child from youth and teach them how to deal with life. And one thing I learned from my parents and what I've taught my own children is that the world doesn't owe you anything - you want something you earn it and if you don't want it taken you stand your ground.
@pest174 I at least don't try lying to myself. And funny how those "programs" aren't quite free... not done for morality's sake, but because there's always a way to make a living at the expense of another's misery - spare me the moral indignation.
@kwanhofu2968 Ok your turn - And it's not the prerogative of the rest of the world to let the steam off yourself. Hell I wake up every morning and realise it's not going to get much better until I go back to sleep. So I get up, swallow down some stuff which someone's going to whine about in ten years is "bad for you..." to then have the energy to go out and work a job i can't stand and be surrounded by people I like even less - and I'm going to have to do this sort of thing, for a good 70 percent of my time awake each week for life. I do it just so I can keep a roof over my head and so forth - it blows, but guess what? I deal with it, like every other responsible adult. The fact I haven't tried offing myself means I'm doing something right.
@sboinkthelegday3892 I'm looking at yours and rolling my eyes because yours is a rant of one being lost in a maze of moral relativism - with no relevance to the conversation. Oh and you're incorrect - Never voted for any of establishment's puppets once in my life. Come back when you 1, have a valid point and 2, actually are correct.
@pest174 And you're not going to help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
@寝坊太郎-h5j That is not what I'm saying - what I'm saying is that the only way you can be helped is when you want to be helped. The world doesn't stop just for you like it doesn't for me or for anyone else. We're all in the same boat; some less than others but that's simply a fact of life. Hence the expression - step up or stand aside. I tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to and what is needed isn't always the most pleasant to experience.
@jamilgonzaga7081 Sounds like my worthless father. Guess what - proved him wrong to spite him and I look back and think that instead of coddling, being made to face advertisity did me wonders as it showed me how the world really is.
@ogungou9 Nerve touched seeing as my argument was just removed. To paraphrase it though; until someone has lost their home or they're starving... or both, they need to shut the hell up about how unfair the world is. Because there's a whole lot in that boat who are there for absolutely no fault of their own who haven't started feeling sorry for themselves and instead work to better their situation. I am cruel only for the sake of being kind - you don't do anyone favors by being nice in coddling someone but not make a single difference: the only one that improves in that situation is the one who is doing the coddling; not any of these folk who need a good swift kick of reality. And that is not only far more cruel, it's sick: feeling morally superior at the expense of someone else's misery in a hypocritical stance of righteousness! At least I'm honest.
@cottoncandykawaii2673 And you as a voter encourage it. Spare me the indignation.
@cottoncandykawaii2673 Yeah, higher mortality rate too.
@Elfyja What a sack of it...
@RpRm That make you feel better? How's the view from that elevated ceiling, hypocrite? I feign no empathy; I'm merely more blunt and direct about how things are and everything I have ever attained in my life I have EARNED. I'm no materialist - not that I have to explain myself to you; have some self-pitying bleeding heart do that. I mean that makes you feel better right? Feel special? Think the sun shines from where you sit? Well here's a cold hard flash of reality: in a hundred years time - whether you live as a king or a janitor in a backwater toilet, absolutely no one will remember anything about you, or any of us; not anything meaningful anyway - so ponder that next time you go throwing your weight. The only one who makes any difference in your life is you and if you're not prepared to suck it up, then that's on you.
@RpRm Feel better now? Get over yourself hypocrite - go be a bleeding heart in futility.
@RpRm Hardly underhanded, just rather direct. I don't consider myself "privileged" in any way because I'm just as well in the rat race. Only difference is that i don't go sulking about it. But you feel better? Got that little hypocritical ramble off your chest? Get over yourself.
@ogungou9 Oh for goodness sake... an actual mental condition such a schizophrenia being compared to a little bit of a bad day is a pretty poor comparison. I wake up every day not really wanting to do a lot of things - but I'm not the center of the universe: no one is, so I pull up my pants and get on with it. So maybe instead of making excuses for them not to improve, how about making them realise that either they pull their thumb out or they stay stuck in their rut. Help doesn't help those not prepared to try and help themselves and I'm simply sick of people trying to pretend that coddling is the be all end all. No wonder so many abuse the system.
@ogungou9 I'm cruel, only for the sake of kindness - you think the world will show them any more mercy than i do? Need I remind you there are folk out there who would love nothing more than to have all the time in the world to be able to sit there and feel sorry for themselves; for if they did, there's a good chance they won't be able to eat. Many of whom are homeless for no fault of their own who make do with what they can as they work to rebuild what was lost without any blame on their part. To put it bluntly - until someone has either lost their home or is starving, or both; they need to shut the hell up about how hard their life is. And I say this as someone who's had members of family serve in the forces the last few generations - who REALLY know what PTSD is and have still gotten on with themselves - not because of it, but in spite of it. Seek the help because of your want of improvement or sit there and despair because the world isn't going to stop for you - that is the best of advice anyone could give in the name of kindness.
@thescope4373 And lastly ohohoho... just HAD to try the WW argument eh? I had at least some respect for you for having pulled yourself up and done something with your life; an admirable and commendable act. But needless to say you want to talk about WW - you realise the events that led to the second came about because a country elevated a tyrant to power, because he was pandering to their whining and complaining by using a scapegoat or two.
@SoogeiS Now, now; no need to be in such low esteem of yourself...
@ogungou9 Sure, but to be helped, you first need to want to be helped. Anything less than that and folk are merely wasting their time.
@SoogeiS No need to be so hard on yourself.
@ogungou9 There's nothing complicated between wanting help and not and those not wanting it instead warranting feeling sorry for themselves - I have no time for.
@SoogeiS Don't beat yourself up.
@alexandermontejo447 The only rationale that exists on this subject is that there are those who feel sorry for themselves and a great deal of others who think coddling is the best solution; reality being all it does, is justify their perspective and thus they do not have any incentive to change themselves by seeking help out other than to find a schmuck who's prepared to waste their time and effort on a lost cause.
@chiyosake Feel better now? Waiting for your pat on the back? Go ahead - coddle all you want, but all you're doing is encouraging their misery and offering no incentive to change. Grow up.
@chiyosake Oh grow up. All you're doing is encouraging their misery by coddling - but at least you feel better; thinking that moral bystanding makes you something else.