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Historia, Magistra Vitae
Comments by "Historia, Magistra Vitae" (@Historia.Magistra.Vitae.) on "Will Finland’s new Right-Wing Government Collapse?" video.
@jal1837 "TrueFinns (the far right party) " They are not far-fight. They are center-right at best.
There is no 'f ar-rig ht' party in Fin land at all.
"It seems like the extreme right in Finland " Doesn't exist in Finland.
" from the f ar-ri ght, " There is no such thi ng in Finland.
"Basic Finns (literal translation of their Finnish name) is a far-right party," Wrong. There is no "far-right" in Finland. The 'Basic Finns' party is more or less center-right.
There is no "far-ri ght" in Finland, unless we count the small "Liberal Party" which advocates for smaller government and Classical Liberalism / Libertarianism in general.
"the ex treme rig ht par ty " There is no such thing in Finla nd. Anarcho-Capital ism is not a thing here unfortunately.
@abricots5588 " and hold ext reme rig ht ideologies," They don't.
@abricots5588 "I think they should still be labeled as f ar-right." They are not. Again, They are cen ter-right at best.
There is no far-rig ht in Fin land.
"their connections to fa r-rig ht organisations" Far-le ft organizations. *
"linked to the extr eme rig ht " Extr eme le ft actually. Extreme ri ght in barely a thing, anywhere.
" f ar-rig ht into gov ernment" There is no such th ing in Finland. Doesn't ex ist.
"The far ri ght party is full of Na zis?!" Fa r-ri ght and the Na zis are literally the opposite.
There is n o f ar-rig ht ris ing any where.
"with a bunch of f ar-rig ht lunatics." There is no fa r-rig ht of any kind in Finl and.
"close to extreme rig ht wi ng" Wrong. Extr eme right wi ng would be Anarcho-Capita lism. There is no f ar-rig ht nor extre me right of any kind in Finl and.
"far-rig ht et hno-nation alist parties" Doesn't exist. Far-ri ght doesn't advocate for collectivism, and there is no fa r-rig ht in Fin land in the first place.
"They’re a far-rig ht extre mist party," Wrong. Extr eme right wi ng would be Anarcho-Capita lism. There is no f ar-rig ht nor extre me right of any kind in Finl and.
There is no "far-ri g ht" in Finl and ... also N azis w ere far-le ft socia lis ts.
"with the fa r-ri ght, " Doesn't ex ist in Finland.
What "far right" parties?
"to extreme right fasc ists" Doesn't exist in Finland nor in reality. Extreme right would be Anarcho-Capita lism and fascists were far-left socia lists.
Far-rig ht is barely a thing, in any country. Nobody wants to shrink the government these days.
@@abitmorerational "rig ht wi ng parties are never focussed on freedoms," You have never seen a rig ht wi ng party then, and such a thing hasn't existed in Finl and yet. Well, the small "Liberal party" is one actually.
@@abitmorerational : Nope.
@@abitmorerational "Also, your hyper-specific definition of right wing isn´t one that´s generally accepted." The fundamental differences between left-wing and right-wing ideologies center around the the rights of individuals vs. the power of the government. Left-wing beliefs are based on the idea that society is best served with an expanded role for the government. People on the right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role — and especially the power — of the government is minimized.
@@abitmorerational "Those so-called "libertarian" parties are basically just hyper-right wing " They are far-right parties, well, anyone who advocates for Classical Liberalism would be a far-right party.
@@abitmorerational "Wrong, rig ht w ing parties are those that essentially defend the status quo or wish to go back to some imagined reactionary past. They tend to defend existing social hierarchies" Wrong. That is called conservatism which is a relative political position, not left/right by itself.
@@abitmorerational "left wing politics is opposed to social hierarchy and reducing inequalities, it may use the government to do this," They have always used the government, hence they advocate for government expansion / bigger government.
" far-rig ht ultra-nationalist party was full of na zis?!?" There is no far-rig ht in Finland, and the na zis were far-left socia lists. Stop using words that you do not understand.
@cdcdrr "It's rac ist natio nalism that's the extr eme right, not AnCaps. " Wrong. Racism and nationa lism have no political alignment. For example modern day Chi na is rather xen opho bic and very nationa listic, yet they have nothing to do with right wing of any kind.
@commandergree6131 "I could quite literally point out the numerous teachings of Christ that aren't practiced by modern Christians, " Such as?