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Historia, Magistra Vitae
The Young Turks
Comments by "Historia, Magistra Vitae" (@Historia.Magistra.Vitae.) on "Triggered Antisemitic Streamer Tries to Defend Hitler Using Jesus" video.
@matlew1960 : Incorrect. Jes us being an hist orical fig ure is a fa ct. His pres ence has been docu mented by mult iple Rom an histo rians, Taci tus being the mo st fa mous one.
@Martin James : "But supposing Jes us had existed, was he crucified? Not a shred of evidence for that " He did ex ist, and w as also cr ucifie d. Rom an histo rians have evid ence.
lnsflare1 : "Also, there's no cre dible eviden ce that a real Jes us actually existed" Incorrect. There is bun ch of evid enc e from various Ro man hist oria ns, Ta cit us being the m ost famo us one.