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Historia, Magistra Vitae
The Young Turks
Comments by "Historia, Magistra Vitae" (@Historia.Magistra.Vitae.) on "Tulsi Gabbard Compares Biden To Hitler" video.
@anglobostonian : "Fa sci sts are ri ght wi ng, Communists are le ft win g. Also learn to speak English. You'll make better arguments." You have no clue what you are talking about. Fa scis m was a branch of (st ate) so ci alis m i.e. on the f ar-le ft while com mun ism is on the ext rem e le ft and has not even been a thing yet since ma rxis ts can never get through the "di cta tors hip of the pr oleta riat" phase which requires making the gov ernm ent wither and lettin go of their tot al itari an power.