Comments by "" (@Cloud_Seeker) on "FASCISM DEFINED | The Difference between Fascism and National Socialism" video.

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  4. When were these established? Benito Mussolini had to establish some due to German pressure. Also. That camp was actively managed by Nazi Germany from 1943 to 1945. Most camps were built from 1939. Meaning when the invasion of Poland and the war actually started. Most camps were deportation camps and not actual death camps. The killing was actually done by the Germans (deported to death camps), but ofc I guess Italians did some of it as well. However lets not forget that it was the Germans pushing for this and not Benito Mussolini. If he wanted death camps. He should have established them earlier. Remember that the Holocaust only started in 1941. Before then they tried to remove them in other ways. Like deportation or forced sterilization. - So we got camps built from 1939 to 1943. - The Holocaust started in 1941. - Germany took control over Italian camps from 1943. That means the Italian only had control over the killing from 2 years. Doesn't really show a clear dedication to it if you ask me. Also. Russian POW's in Italy? What why? Why are there Russian POWs in Italy? There is no front there. The Russians only reached Italy when they had stomped Germany. Why take prisoners and spend resources on sending them literally FROM Russia to Italy? That means you literally passed ALL death camps in Poland along the way. Also. It was Germany that had the front so they most likely dealt with most POWs. You just don't send POW's all that way when you can spend those resources to send supplies instead. That should be like sending POWs in Iraq to the USA in the Gulf War instead of having a POW camp in Saudi Arabia. You must be thinking of Allied POWs from North Africa. There were however Italian POW's in Russian camps however.
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  23. Incorrect. You are skipping a step. The word "Fascism" does not derived from the Latin word "Fasces". It is derived from the Italian word "Fascio" meaning "a bundle of sticks". Fasico is in turn derived from the Latin word Fasces that means "bundle". You can't skip a step and make a point about that when that wasn't the word Benito used. The "bundle of sticks" concept is the classic: "A single stick can be easily broken. But a bunch of sticks together can not be broken easily". This concept is a fundamental principle of socialism. It emphasis teamwork, cooperation and everyone doing their part to withstand hardship and achieving a shared goal. I think you are also forgetting Benito said about Fascism. "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state" - Benito Mussolini He wanted the state to be connected in everything. In the doctrine of fascism he said he wanted people to treat service to their state like their religion. You did your duty to state without question, and you did it every day without complaining. You go to church you do your religious duty. You go do what the state wants you and you do your civic duty. Also. That link you gave is nothing but nonsense and full of shit. From the very start it creates strawmen of Fascism and Socialism. Like defining that Fascism is always authoritarian and Socialism is not and can not be authoritarian. It define Socialism as system where there is no social division as if Fascism can not do the very same thing. Fact is. Pretty much ANY socialist country in the world is authoritarian. And before you point to Scandinavia I want to say I am Swedish and Scandinavia are not Socialistic. Scandinavia are Social Democratic Capitalistic nations. We lean more toward Socialism the for example the USA, but that does not make us Socialistic. Scandinavia is about as Socialistic as Canadians and Mexians are Americans. Kind of alike, but there is a clear separation between them. They also define Socialism as Communism. Just read the definition. It is so naive it is insane. It will remove all differences between classes so everything will be own by everyone? Fact is that in reality everything isn't worth the same. Cleaning the toilets is not worth the same as the efforts it takes to become a heart surgeon. Lets go through the points: 1. Loaded answer and dishonest. This writer have a clear bias toward socialism. Fact is that the writer ignores leaders like Stalin, Lenin, Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro. I guess this is only about making Fascism stand in a bad light while ignoring the skeleton everywhere else for the "socialism" side. Also. China today is authoritarian. North Korea is authoritarian. USSR was authoritarian. Vietnam today is authoritarian. 2. This is not even true. What the hell does "where state or public ownership of means of production can be seen" even mean? It does not point out what Fascism or Socialism stand for. Fact is. Both Fascism and Socialism say "the means of production belong to the state". There is no difference here. Just a mangled mess to avoid actually answering the question. 3. ..... Right. So the means of production belongs to the public, but I as part of the public can't take my share and cash it out right? No. In Socialism the means of production will still belong to minority of the society which was the wealthy few. Because in Socialism everyone are equal, but some are more equal then others and deserves different treatment. This is how reality looks like. This argument ignores reality and lives in a idealistic world outside of pragmatic facts. The only thing shown here is that fascism unlike socialism are just honest in the outcome. 4. This might actually be correct. However. This shows that this writer is not honest about what Socialism is. Class Conflict is not a concept within Socialism. This is taken from Karl Marx himself. Class Conflict is central to Communism and not Socialism. I believe this writer is making a "difference between Fascism and Communism". 5. Now I know this is about Communism and not Socialism. It also show the writer is subjective about what to bring up from both sides. Are we going to ignore the fact Hitler tried to reform Christianity into "Positive Christianity"? Both Fascism and Communism were opposed to organized religions for the same reason. They offered a separate power structure that took people out of the control of state. Fascism just made Christianity bow to it and step in line. 6. WTF! What even is this? The writer clearly got bored here and just wanted to finish up this strawman of a comparison. Opposite in what way? What does relationship even means? 7. Wow. I am surprised. In a list about differences between Fascism and Communism. They bring up something both share in common. A one party systems. Why even bring something both share in common when you are supposed to show the differences? Bloody nonsense. However. This show one interesting thing. Since Fascism is defined as authoritarian while Socialism is defined "control by the people". How exactly does "the people" control the "public" means of production when there is only one party that controls everything. Doesn't that mean that the "leader" or "leaders" have all power so "they" can say who gets what? No. This is authoritarianism on both sides. The author thinks that when "Socialism" has been complete, the one party system will not be needed anymore. But that will never happen. It does not work in reality because the world is not equal and some people have to work harder then others. There is only one place where everyone is equal and that is at the bottom. This is why you will never have a one party system going away because they will never lower themselves to the bottom when they hold all power in society. They will become dictators and rule through authoritarianism. So. This point is correct. Both sides are authoritarian.
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  25.  @HairusBag  I never once talked about the camps in Poland. I was only talking about camps that Italy stood for. 1. First you must understand what a concentration camp is. A concentration camp is not a death camp. It is a camp where you concentrate people into. The word concentration camp is kind of a catchall term and you can't imply all of them are like Auschwitz. 2. In Italy these camps were mostly deportation camps for people that was going to be deported to other camps which were not Italian. They were then sent to the really bad camps in German control where they were worked to death or just outright killed. 3. Most camps in Italy was not extermination camps, and later in the war Italians were not operating them. This is official Italian history that was pretty easy to look up. Does this mean that Italy didn't take part? Ofc not, they took part. Did they do it because their ideology demanded it? No, their ideology did not demand it. It was most likely a demand from someone else. Someone that had a larger army, someone the Italian was depending on, someone that was close by and a ally. Someone like Germany that DID demand it. "Italians were ethnic cleansing and the violence committed against the Slovene civilian population easily matched that of the Germans." - From what I can see. You base this claim the camp Rab. The Rab camp killed around 3,500 – 4,641 inmates according to your source. It is in the source compared to the Buchenwald camp that killed 56,545 people. Sure it was a hell of a lot bigger, but you are not making a case for that they killed a lot of people. Especially when we take camps like Auschwitz (minimum 1.1 million) and Treblinka (700k - 900k) into account. Just so you know. Buchenwald was not a death camp but a work camp. No. You are just saying BS at this point. No. The Italians were NOT killing people at the same rate as the German was. That is just facts. Even if Rab is the worst camp (which it isn't) you should know that 3500-4641 death does not end an entire ethnic group. It will be devastating to small towns, but will not effect that much over all. If this was meant to cleanse the whole "race" out of existence. They are kind of doing a poor job of it.
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