Comments by "C Cummings" (@C.CUMM1NGS) on "Ukraine forces destroy Russian column with Corsar guided missile launcher" video.

  1. Countries like Russia, China, North Korea have what are known as parade ground armies, they spend all their time on the parade ground that's how their huge parades are always so precise and perfect compared to the western parades, whereas as western countries and countries trained by them have combat armies, they spend all their time training in combat and tactics, also western armies and those trained by them use a different mission command structure, everyone knows what their mission is and what they are supposed to do to carry it out, each person in the line of command passes down the mission briefing to the officers and NCO's below them, that way if the commanding officer is killed they can still carry on, even if all the officers are killed they can still carry on because the NCO's know what their mission is and what they have to do to carry it out, also lower ranking officers and NCO's are encouraged to make spur of the moment decisions themselves, if they see an opportunity to take it without getting permission from senior officers first they are encouraged to think on their own. But in these parade ground armies only the officers are told what the mission is, and they constantly pass down orders to their subordinates, so if the officers are killed then no one knows what they are supposed to be doing and the mission fails, that is one reason the Russian generals are being targeted and 13 of them have been killed so far, without a working command structure the Russian army can't do anything, they cant do anything without permission from their superiors or they could face a court martial, they are not encouraged to think on their own.
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  5.  @v3nom198  Quote since he deleted his message: ""Ebs Brown 1 hour ago (edited) @C Cummings Okay and 20 years later Taliban (farmers with AK47) and Billions of dollars US equipment are still in power. Russia is Fighting Ukraine and the west is fighting Russia through a proxy war. When you’re backed by the west it doesn’t matter who you are you will have a difficult time. I can’t imagine any western country doing better than Russia if roles were reversed and the enemy was funded and equipped by US Led NATO."" Russia was failing against Ukraine even before western heavy weapons started arriving in Ukraine At the start of the war the only western weapons Ukraine had were hand held, and they still defeated Russia in the Kyiv region and most of the Kharkiv region, although they had been receiving training from NATO forces since 2014 i believe it was. Again get your facts right, and if Russia had not Illegally invaded Ukraine 141 nations would not have voted against Russia who only got 5 votes, and it's not just NATO and the west supporting Ukraine other countries like Israel are also supporting them. They only have themselves to blame Putin is a warmonger who made multiple errors, He massively overestimate his own troops, he massively underestimate Ukrainian troops, he massively underestimated the will of the Ukrainian people to fight, he massively underestimated the worlds response, Putin says this "special military operation" war is to stop NATO expansion, because of Putin's politics since he came to power in 2020, 11 countries have joined NATO because they feared this would happen they feared Putin would try to recreate the USSR, Even Finland and Sweden countries that have been Neutral for over 200 years and said they would never join NATO are now joining, Putin will go down in history for being responsible for 13 countries joining NATO the largest expansion in it's history since it was formed 1949 to counter Soviet aggression.
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