Comments by "Philip Rayment" (@PJRayment) on "‘Don’t think that’s relevant’: Bolt and Kenny clash on Indigenous Voice to Parliament" video.

  1.  @travisryan5459  "Labor governments treasurer at the time had been awarded the prestigious finance minister of the year award for his handling of the Australian economy during the Global Financial Crisis." Who by? Some left-leaning body? " Taxing large corporations (which are 85% foreign owned) an increased tax rate on SUPER Profits over 75 million dollars." So what happened to treating people equally? Why isn't that unfair discrimination? And since when is it reasonable to penalise the more successful? "But powerful interests know how to protect themselves..." You mean get justice by not being discriminated against? Good on them! "...we witnessed a propagandistic fear campaign to destroy the Labor party..." So you're saying that they got a taste of their own medicine? "...a liberal government that works in the interests of the large Multinational corporations. " To the detriment of others? That's not in evidence. "The Liberal Budget 2022 projected that the Commonwealth government’s gross debt will be around $963 billion at 30 June 2022 ..." Thanks in part to supporting workers thrown out of work by state governments, especially including Labor ones. " is projected to increase to $1,199 billion by 30 June 2025." With Labor now in charge? "Notice we didn’t have a constant fear campaign about DEBT when the Corporations lapdogs were in power ..." By the left-leaning media. Yes, I noticed that. The conservative media, such as Sky News, however, did often talk about that. "In fact the Liberals added more debt in 9 months enriching their corporate donors..." What's your evidence for that "fact"? "You’d have to be an absolute dope to not understand the difference." Or to believe your biased rhetoric. "So the next time you pass a low IQ liberal voter make sure you thank them for the added 726 billion of debt ..." Because you'd not get away with saying that to a high-IQ Liberal voter? "How did we get to this situation???" Of you believing all that? Perhaps a neo-Marxist university education? "Thank 24/7 News Corp propaganda..." What propaganda? You haven't shown evidence of any. "...and the mindless scum zombies that feed off it." You really like insulting people who don't agree with you, don't you? Here's a tip: it's not the way to get people on side.