Comments by "Philip Rayment" (@PJRayment) on "‘A bit optimistic’: Calls for King’s Birthday public holiday to be renamed ‘Independence Day’" video.

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  6.  @smithyjordan9918  "Yeah an one sovereign comes to with another..." Huh? What is that supposed to mean? "...the British took its sovereignty over this land through a legal docteren known as Terra nullius..." Rule of Law Education Centre: "The term terra nullius means 'nobody's land' or 'land belonging to nobody. ' In legal jargon, terra nullius means 'land over which no previous sovereignty has been exercised. ' ". There had been no previous sovereignty over the land. Sovereignty is not synonymous with ownership. "... the High court decided in the majority decision that 1 indigenous Australians where the original sovereigns of this land..." Actually, from my reading, they decided that individual groups of Aborigines were entitled to be treated as the owners of the particular parts of the land that they had occupied uninterrupted. It doesn't seem to have been that Aborigines as a whole owned Australia as a whole. "...hence the push for recognition." Recognition of what? "Therefore the best step forward is a treaty..." With what country? Aborigines are not a country. "We also know that when a mining company want to mine sacred land they already negotiate with the traditional land owners..." Land owners, not a country. " why not just make it a requirement if the companies already see it as one." Are you sure that it's not already a requirement? "The point is at some point the issue needs to be dealt with..." To appease activists? "...why do it at the same time as becoming a Republic ..." Why become a republic in the first place? "...the new government will actually be able to say all the atrocities of the past are not on our hands because our sovereignty comes from an agreement." You're assuming that the activists would agree on reasonable terms in the first place. "Wouldnt you like to see a day when kids aren't taught they are on stolen land" That could and should happen now, as they are not on stolen land. The aborigines settled in this land ages ago, possibly causing a genocide of people here before them. The British settled here at a later date. That's it.
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