Comments by "Philip Rayment" (@PJRayment) on "'Free speech is not appreciated’: Melbourne Professor fired over online posts" video.
"I'm disappointed you would try and wriggle out of what you wrote. "
I'm not wiggling out of anything. I was simply explaining what I wrote. I concede that it would have been easy to misunderstand, but a misunderstanding it was.
"You write "No, I'm also here, and debating you." You know what "also" means."
Yes, I know what "also" means. I was saying that I was also here in contrast to your claim that I am instead here. You do know the difference between instead and also? I was correcting your use of instead.
I'll put it this way, bolding a couple of your words:
" Instead, you're here entertaining me"
My reply had two words stressed:
"No, I'm also here, and debating you." Each stressed (italicised) word was a counter to your two words that I have bolded.
"There is no substance in your debate. It's based on faith at its base, not logic."
An evidence-free and reason-free dismissal of my comments. What is not logical about it?
"Faith is the antithesis of reason."
As I have almost certainly explained to you before, biblically, faith means trust in a trustworthy person, i.e. someone that the evidence shows to be worthy of our trust. It's only antithetical if you substitute a different meaning of the word, as you have done here.
"Why are you commenting to me? I'd really like to know? Are you a warrior for your faith?"
Two reasons. One is that I'm following the example of the Apostle Paul who said that "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God," The other is so that others reading this won't be led astray by your comments.
"In your religion, I'd think that you are committing the first deadly sin of Pride."
Still with the ad hominems.