Comments by "Philip Rayment" (@PJRayment) on "Anti-discrimination law changes are an ‘attack on religious freedom’ and ‘faith schools’" video.

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  8.  @pwillis1589  "Yes the federal government subsidises Catholic schools with direct funding." So? We were talking about churches, not schools. "This is financial support the church would otherwise have to cover." Or the parents of the students. Or the school would not exist. That's another possibility. "What aren't you getting about this?" Nothing. I get that you are anti-Christian and are trying your hardest to convince me of your anti-Christian views. "As to whether the Catholic church even makes a profit in Australia is open to question..." It's a non-profit organisation. Many non-profits "make a profit", but it goes back into the activities of the organisation, not shareholders or owners. That's what non-profit means. " is a private organisation and under no compulsion quite rightly to make its financial situation public." I believe that there are requirements to demonstrate to the government that funds are being properly handled. "It does however receive generous financial support from the federal government..." Already answered. Churches do not receive any money from governments, except for particular activities that the governments want to support, such as education. "...all the taxpayer asks is it comply with federal legislation." Which is fine for the money it actually receives (such as for education) as long as those requirements are fair and reasonable and not against the purposes of the organisations. "I am not avoiding any questions just answering honestly. " I was asking what you thought. You didn't tell me. "It is not up to me personally to decide..." I realise that, but you personally are arguing that they should abide by regulations, but are unwilling to say whether or not some regulations are reasonable or not.
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  10.  @pwillis1589  "Yep that's right distinct budgets and operations..." So there is a difference! "... see no difference between teaching religionous faith and practising it." I'm not saying that there are no similarities. And sure, the teaching might be the same but some similarities does not mean no differences. "I don't discriminate at all either no public funding at all for any religious schools." But public funding for the atheist-controlled schools? That would be discrimination. "Next I don't care or suggested withdrawing financial support for religious organisations and schools would fully fund public schooling only that it be done." Sorry, I don't follow that sentence. "That's right I forgot to mention the indoor rifle range Kings School has, once again paid for by taxpayers." What's your evidence that it was paid for by taxpayers? "What is an atheist view" That there is no God. And from that follows other views. Here are a selection: * That God didn't create humans separately to animals. And therefore humans are nothing special in creation; just lucky to have evolved further. * That God didn't create the universe. * That the universe was not designed. * That living things were not designed, but evolved through a process that no scientist has been able to show occurs. * That God has not given us standard and rules, so we humans can make our own. Examples of a consequence of this are Stalin and Mao who thought nothing of murdering millions of their own people. (I'm not saying that such slaughter is the a necessary consequence, but that atheism allows that because it leaves such decisions up to us humans.)
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  30.  @DD-bx8rb  "The Catholic Church is an identifiable visible organisation with an official teaching." As are other Christian churches. "Protestant Christian groups are a gaggle of thousands of seperated groups arguing about the meaning of the Written Tradition." It takes two (or more) to argue. You can't claim to not be arguing if you're only talking to yourself. But in fact yes, Protestants disagree with Catholics on some issues, and Catholics disagree with Protestants! So you can't pin disagreement just on the Protestants. Further, there are not as many different Protestant groups as you may think. Documented claims of tens of thousands refer to organisations, not denominations. So Victorian Baptists are counted separately to New South Wales Baptists because they are different organisations, not because they have different views. Similarly, Australian Catholics are counted separately to United States Catholics for the same reason. In addition, some differences are over church organisation, not over biblical doctrine. So the number of different views collapses further. And what you're saying is that Catholics don't argue because Catholics all agree. Well Baptists all agree too! You're splitting hairs and making out differences to be something that they are not. "It's the Catholic Church, with it's claim of being established and guaranteed by Christ, that the Marxists fear." You're in dreamland if you think that it's only Catholics that Marxists fear. Who they really fear is anyone who makes a public stand for biblical teaching. That includes Catholics on some issues, but it's certainly not limited to Catholics. One group that they get really upset with is creationists, who dare to claim that evolution doesn't exist and the earth is 6,000 years old. And that's something that most (but not all) Catholics are weak on.
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