Comments by "john" (@Pistolita221) on "William Spaniel" channel.

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  5.  @menin84  I agree with you about pharmaceutical companies, I think at least 1 pharmaceutical company should be nationalized in every nation, that way there is a generic option that's produced with the purpose of keeping people healthy for cheap. That would increase the tax base, by increasing how many people are healthy workers. Corporations in markets where people die without access to service need a nationalized option, where the board of directors are elected by the people. Representatives were never meant to regulate domestic business transactions, only foreign policy and domestic land rights. We need to separate those powers, into a new, democratically elected branch of government so we know what we're voting for. I think one of the biggest issues in politics. "In Mexico, this might be a drug cartel. Couple a merger of the government plus media in bed with it, and you can effectively control a large segment of public opinion. Preferably, the ones upholding the facade of a democracy rather than demanding real change or alternatives." This is so true!! I have seen this sort of thing in the USA, I know how connected they are. They're at my local airport, too. In suits and stuff. I hope someone does get to expose what's happening, but honestly most of it is too insane to believe if you're not already informed. AI could be helpful, but I really like "the division of power and elected representatives" I think we haven't gone far enough with it, anywhere in the world. Stalin was not elected, no one was elected in the USSR, and I don't want a fully state run economy, but probably around 20-30%, and they should be elected. Information about the candidates and election should be broadcast by an independent federal agency, without any sponsors or donations to the broadcasters, organizers, candidates or affiliates. And the board members need to be paid enough they don't want to risk getting caught and losing their post, which would be north of a million annually. It's still cheaper than modern campaigning. And after your 3rd term, the minimum % for being re-elected should increase by 10%, and then 5% every time they run for re-election until we reach 75% approval. Make them work for US! Let us know what we're voting for!
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