Comments by "john" (@Pistolita221) on "Task & Purpose" channel.

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  8.  @aleksandrs1422  Yes, Turkeye is a dictatorship Israel has a better reason to suspend their elections as long as it's temporary (TBD), as does Ukraine, obviously (much better reasons than Israel) Israel commits a lot of human rights violations, none of them are genocide, though. IDK enough about Hungary to know if they're a dictatorship. It's not a knock against the citizenry, it's an adjective to describe a nations government, not the people who live there. The USA (my country) is struggling to keep a dictator out of office right now. China our enemy and the Saudi's our quasi-allies are also dictatorships. There's been a resurgence in authoritarianism recently, I think technology created opportunities for authoritarianism creep into democracies. I consider the monarchs of Europe to be quasi-dictatorships or having authoritarian/dictatorial power since they usually have their own intelligence agencies/secret societies that function like agencies. That doesn't mean they people who live in those nations are evil, and they're not bad people for supporting their government, either. But do you really want me to believe that Putin, who assassinates his personal enemies, consolidated power for decades, and manipulates election results is not a dictator? Eh. It's not your fault the international community helped install authoritarians from the KGB to lead the new Russian federation, it's more Bush senior's fault, than most anyone else. Nothing was meant as a personal attack against you or the Russian peoples of the world, just trying to have a conversation about geopolitics.
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  18.  @aleksandrs1422  That is an important distinction, between a tyrant and a dictatorship, that is especially lacking in the west; El Salvador has raised the question to a few here, though. I agree with you about Israel, completely. Their aggression is going to put the only Jewish state in existential danger, because Syria and Lebanon will use swarm attacks to wear down defense before they send in the real damage. I think Israel will survive regardless, but it will be a painful lesson to the Israeli people that these wars are on their border, not half a world away like Iraq was to the USA, and also unhelpful in Israel building relations with their neighbors. I think, because of the Russian disinformation that has hurt Western democracies (which survive on unbiased information to elect quality representatives), all Democracies have to treat russia (the government) as an adversary to some degree, at the very least keeping a close eye on the media and especially the internet. Not a hot war, more like the cold war. If we can keep Russian influence out, they'll feel less confident in taking any sort of military action, which will hopefully prevent wars and be even more peaceful than the cold war, with upwards of 80% legitimate targets being seized/removed, since it'll be server rooms getting raided not vietnam being invaded. Much, much better than any previous conflict, but it will be difficult for democracies to deal with, because companies want to make money, regardless of where it comes from, and dictatorships have absolute control so they can easily censor our disinformation, or easier than we can censor theirs. It's the biggest advantage to authoritarianism especially in todays world, imo. If Russia were to not interfere in western elections, then there's no reason the NATO nations and the Russian Federation can't be friends, but that is not todays situation. I wouldn't be surprised if NATO instigated it, but regardless this is where we are, sadly.
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