Comments by "john" (@Pistolita221) on "The FTC Just Banned Non-Competes: Here's What It Means For You" video.
I hope there are exemptions for trade schools. Unions pay you to go to trade school, they can only offer that with non-compete clauses to make their money back in union dues. And most people who go to trade school couldn't afford college, and the equipment, and experts time costs I imagine similar to what college costs in terms of hr/cost per student. But if you can go through union schools then hop over to a similar paying job without union dues, you make more because dues cost a lot, but you get education, collectivized bargaining, and protections from safety to overtime pay. That is infrastructure that costs money, this could hurt unions as much as Right to Work without union exemptions of some sort, even if it's temporary/pay as you go debt repayment, or something else but yeah, trade schools will either have to charge or they might disappear. Which would be a loss for organized labor, even if it does help people in other industries/jobs. The economy is complex af.